Chapter 19 - Rescue

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The entire year I was forced to train, I was beaten when I wasn't around Wanda and Pietro and I was starved.

I've heard that we are under attack. I hoped it was Tony. I never gave up hope that he was looking for me.

Strucker injects me with some unknown liquid, he then carries me off into a secret room with their hidden weapons. I was out into some sort of cage in the back of the room, "Stay and be quiet." He whispers. When he locks the cage I start to feel dizzy and fall down.

I tried to use my power to open the cage but I was too weak, rom the injection and from being beaten and starved.

I lost track of time and started to think they abandoned me until I heard a noise. "Hey!!" I say groggily.

"Y/N?" A voice says. I look up through tired eyes to see a familiar man....

"Tony? Please tell me your real...That I'm not hallucinating cause I've down that before." I whisper.

"Y/N!" The cage was broken open and I actually his hands on me, picking me up. "I'm here now. I've got you." He whispers. I close my eyes as he gets into his suit and takes the scepter form the table. "Close your eyes." He says as he goes to fly.

I open my sleepy eyes once I feel him land, my eyes widen as a group forms around us in a ship. Tony lays me down on a table and rubs my head. "Y/N?" A woman says next to me.

"God what did they do to you?" Tony whispers as he kisses my head. I couldn't listen anymore, sleep had consumed me.

Voices around me startled me out of my sleep, I could hear people arguing. "Tony she's dangerous!"

"I can fix her!" I hear Tony say. I sit up and look around to see I'm in a lab.

"No you can't." I say as I rub my eyes. "This is far worse than what Killian did to me."

"Y/N!" Tony runs over and hugs me softly. "I'll find a way-"

"No Tony, Strucker made sure I knew that you couldn't save it fix me. It's permanent. I'm enhanced."

"Tony she's right." A man in glasses says. "I've looked her over multiple times, including her blood....she has powers." I noticed he was Bruce Banner.

"Listen I want you to go rest...but first you need to eat."

"I feel like I've slept for a long time, I don't want to sleep. But I do want food." I smile. "Nat?" I look behind Tony.

"Hey pretty girl." She smiles and hugs me. "It's been a long time."

"Too long."  I smile then look behind her, "I don't really need introductions for the rest of you guys, I already know your names." I wave.

"Nat can you take her to my room, and get her something to eat." Tony asks.

"Of course."

"Nat don't take her IV out." Bruce says.

"I'll be up to see you once your done eating." Tony smiles and helps me up.

Nat holds onto me as I leave, we stop at the kitchen and grab a bunch of snack, then going to Tony's room. Nat smiles as I started to eat, "you know he never gave up....he constantly blamed himself."

"He shouldn't." I whisper.

"He loves you so much Y/N.....I do too. I'm just so glad your home." She smiles.

Once I'm finished with my food, her and Tony switch. He places his hand in my thigh and rubs his thumb across it. "I never gave up looking for you.....I searched everywhere. I'm just so sorry it took me this long." He whispers. "Y/N I love you so much...I'm so sorry about are fight that day."

"Tony stop blaming yourself....they planned this for a long time. It's a way I'm thankful I've gotten these powers. It's like I've realized my purpose."

Tony turns towards me and rests his forehead against mine. I smile and lean up to kiss him. He hesitantly pulls away and sighs. "Tony I'm okay....look I'm already getting better....I heal fast."


"I'm okay. I will get better control of my powers, I will be okay," I chuckle.  "I love you."

"I love you." He repeats and kisses me again. "We are having a party tomorrow night....if your feeling better, your more than welcome to join."

"I'd love too."

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