chapter 11

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"camila, oh my god!" she heard dinah yell from across the hallway. camila saw a five-foot-eight polynesian running towards her at full speed and she braced for impact. she felt herself be wrapped in dinah's embrace and laughed at how worried she seemed. "what the hell, chancho?! where were you?"

camila looked over at shawn, who was looking at her, both waiting for the other to reply.

"i was texting you all morning! i knew you had to drive yourself and i wanted to ask you how it was going or how you were but you didn't answer and then you weren't in first period and what the fuck? then the canadian was there but the other was missing and i only have the first canadian's number so i couldn't text him and i was so goddamn worried!"

camila stood there with wide eyes, regretting not have informed dinah of her whereabouts earlier. she waved goodbye to shawn and led dinah into their art class to explain the morning she had just had.

"spill," dinah ordered as soon as they were in their seats, noticing camila had chosen to sit apart from her new friends.

camila pulled out her phone and began typing at the speed of light.

i had a panic attack before i started driving and shawn saw me when he was driving by and he stayed to calm me down and by the time i did it was already like halfway through first so he said he could drive me today and everyday and then we stayed in the car because i felt kinda gross and then we just talked or he talked and then he was being really nice and caring and telling me these kind things and he skipped with me and i said i wanted to come to third so thats where we're at

dinah was reading over the message as fast as she had typed it, needing to reread a few times to make sure she didn't miss anything. she handed the phone back to camila and was about to reply, but saw her typing on her phone again.

i like him?! dinah i like him. what the fuck??? i cant like him, ive known him for like, a week! i cant like him, but i do?? dinah hes so nice and sweet and caring what do i do??

dinah once again read her message and laughed loudly at the pure panic expressed on her face.

"what do you mean what do you do?" she asked, confused as to why she was so freaked out.

i mean do i do something about it?! ignore it?? he doesn't even like me back but am i supposed to tell him!??

"well, i don't think this is breaking news but i think he likes you. and if you want it to go somewhere then you tell him about it, otherwise keep that shit to yourself or you'll make it awkward," dinah advised.

i've know him for super little tho?? isnt that weird?? and i dont think he likes me

"it's not weird, if that's what your heart feels then you can't do anything about it. it must be a pretty serious crush if you're freaking out this bad," dinah noted.

camila rolled her eyes and typed another message. i think i noticed i liked him less than an hour ago, for your information. stop getting sappy its gross

dinah laughed once more, and noticed the canadians were engrossed in some sort of conversation from across the room.

"okay, well, i do think he likes you and whether you choose to do something about it or not is up to you, chancho," she spoke, surprised camila even had this dilemma to begin with. camila nodded and sighed when the class began, paying attention to the teacher up front.

halfway through their class, camila pulled out her phone to speak to dinah again. are you spending lunch with your girlfriend again?

dinah read the message and slapped camila on the back of her head, making camila laugh. "she's not my girlfriend, chancho," she reminded. "but, yes, you wanna meet her today?" dinah asked, knowing that she was at least going to be close friends with the girl and was worth introducing camila.

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