chapter 6

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camila was working on a math worksheet they had been assigned that morning when she felt her phone buzz.


hey it's shawn! dinah passed your number:) 

camila smiled and quickly typed up a reply.


hi :) when do you want to work on the project?

she continued doing math when she decided to bug dinah a little. dinah really did put up with a lot.


so are u gonna spill on loverboy or? >:)

she got two replies one after another, but they were both just dinah.


nothing to spill waltz


okay maybe there is someone

camila's eyes bulged out of her head when she read that. although she had only been joking, it seems like dinah wasn't. she had dated a guy she met during one of her trips to california during sophomore year, but broke up soon after they started dating when dinah realized how hard long distance was for her. so she had been dating someone from school?




and im offended you didn't tell me about this before!


chill gurl i barely admitted it to myself like last week. i'll tell u about it tomorrow.

camila sighed.


tell me now>:(


tomorrow. go text your loverboy. 

camila laughed and waited for a response from shaw. putting everything away into her backpack, she changed into pajamas and got into bed.

- -

wednesday rolled around and camila was now waiting at the front steps of school for dinah to walk her to class. everyday came closer to the following week and that extremely stressed her out.

"chancho!" she heard from behind her, and she sees dinah coming toward her. camila gave her a hug and smiled. 

"c'mon let's get you to class" dinah said, leading them both inside the building. camila pulled on dinah's arm and shook her head.

dinah looked at her with a confused look. "what?"

camila pulled out her phone and opened her notes app.


dinah rolled her eyes and laughed. "at lunch, mila. promise"

camila walked into the room and took her usual seat. alessia was already there in the seat next to her. "good morning camila" she said, smiling. camila smiled back. although she didn't know if she could consider the canadian siblings friends, she was definitely glad they had decided to move here. she had at least one of them, alessia, in all of her classes and shawn in all of her afternoon ones, so she no longer had to sit alone. 

realizing that she didn't have alessia's number saved, camila pulled out her phone and clicked the add contact option. she poked alessia in the arm and smiled when she looked her way. she handed her the phone, which confused alessia at first, until she saw what was on the screen.

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