chapter 19

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"mila, i'm telling you, there has to be some sort of mistake," dinah expressed. "there's no way that man would cheat on you!"

camila wiped more tears off her face, but as soon as she did more continued spilling out. she sobbed loudly and typed another message on her phone.

he was acting all weird with hailee and now i know why.

dinah read the message and rolled her eyes. "there's just no way he'd do that. have you talked to him? or alessia?"

camila sniffled and shook her head.

dinah we knew nothing about him and i just trusted him like an idiot.

"i'm sorry, walz," she said pitifully. "wait, trusted him how? did you guys..."

camila blushed deeply at the question.

"oh my god," dinah laughed. "you guys fucked!"

camila chuckled lightly through here tears and shrugged.

"and you didn't tell me! spill all the details!"

you want me to tell you about sex with a guy who's been cheating on me?

"stop, mila. text him find out what's been going on. but i just know he wasn't cheating."


shawn sat in bed, finishing up some homework they had been assigned over break. the rest of his family was downstairs watching a hockey game, but he had socialized far too long that day and wanted nothing but quiet before the new years party in a couple days.

"shawn, what the fuck?" alessia barged into his room.

shawn groaned loudly at the interruption. "what?"

"what do you mean 'what?'!"

shawn looked up at her, a confused look evident in his face. alessia rolled her eyes and tossed her phone over to shawn.

his eyes widened at the sight of the post. the picture, the caption, the comments, it was all horrible. "wha- i didn't post this!" his heart was pounding.

"what do you mean you didn't post it it's rig-"

"i mean i didn't post it! i don't even have this picture on my phone! oh my god," he sighed, quickly logging into the social media app from his phone and taking the post down. "there."

"hailee posted it?" alessia asked confused.

"yeah, who else."

"shawn, people saw that. you had hundreds of likes."

"oh my god, camila!" he realized. "she hasn't answered me in a few hours, do you think-"

"you're a fucking idiot, of course she saw it! you never post her, what do you think she thought when you posted that?!"

"okay, i never post anyone," he defended, but changed the topic when alessia rolled her eyes. "but you're right. do you think she thought i was cheating?"

alessia groaned loudly. "how stupid can you be? obviously!"

"so should i text her?"

his sister sighed. "that's up to you. and change your password!"

shawn waved at her as she walked out of his room, closing the door. he let out a deep breath, having a rollercoaster of emotions in just a couple of minutes. he debated between going downstairs to talk to hailee or texting camila first. he settled for the latter.

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