chapter 22

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sinu sat at the table with shawn and camila in front of her, both of them with a dark blush on their face looking extremely embarrassed.

"now," she started. "i don't know what i was expecting when i walked in, but it sure was not my daughter and her boyfriend naked on my couch."

camila's blush, if possible, got even deeper.

"i-i'm sorry ma'am, we didn't mean to fall asleep, uh, without clothes," he apologized. camila giggled at his nerves but stopped at sinu's gaze.

"i was not aware the two of you were having intimate activities," she cleared her throat. "i want to make sure both of you are safe to prevent preg-"

"mamá," camila groaned, burying her face in her hands.

"no, mija, i want you guys to be safe and please, keep it in the bedrooms," she insisted.

"we, uh, we usually do, today was just, uh," he attempted to explain. camila laughed quietly again, finding some humor in the awkward situation.

"usually?" she asked, realizing maybe this happened more often than she thought. camila threw her head back and groaned, done with the conversation.

"mami, we are being safe and we keep it private with the exception of today because we didn't think you'd be home soon and got caught up in the moment, i'm sorry."

sinu took a moment to respond, the first full sentence her daughter had spoken two her in two years had been about sex.

"okay, we'll leave it there. no more closed doors when i'm home, please."

shawn nodded awkwardly while camila only snickered. sinu glared at camila once more before pushing herself off the table and walking upstairs to her room.

"oh my god," shawn breathed out. "that just happened. that, that literally just happened."

"it was kinda funny," she giggled.

"no, oh my god, i can't show my face here ever again," he complained, burying his red face in his hands.

"camila, she walked in on us naked," he emphasized. "oh my god, i'm so embarrassed. i don't think we can ever have sex again. i'm sorry."


"kidding, i'm kidding, but seriously. how are you not losing your mind right now?"

she laughed again. "it's fine, she'll forget in the next few days, don't worry!"

"i'm still so.. that seriously just happened," he said, still stunned.

"does that mean we can't bake today?" she pouted. she had been wanting to bake a cake for the last week and shawn had promised they'd be able to do so friday afterschool. that was, until this.

"i don't want your mom to see me," he whispered, rubbing his face on his hands roughly.

"at least you have clothes on," she pointed out to lighten the mood.

rolling his eyes, he let out a small laugh. "see? there's that laugh," she joked, squeezing his cheeks.

he whined and pulled away. "fine we can bake. but i am hiding the second your mom comes down."

she rolled her eyes. "you're ridiculous. now help me get the stuff out."

the two got off their seats on the table and began pulling out the necessary ingredients.

"i don't think i have ever baked a cake before," shawn shrugged, taking his phone and searching up what else would be needed to complete the task. camila gasped.

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