Birthday Boy

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Hearing the shower running, you sighed in relief as you stepped inside the apartment. You walked over to the fridge and placed the small birthday cake in there.

You have already expected Keigo to be home earlier than usual today because he texted you but you didn't expect him to already be home by the time you got there.

Next, you hid his birthday present and a few balloons as well as some candles in the small storage closet in the hallway. He doesn't even check in here any other ordinary day so he's not coming in here today, you tell yourself.

Walking into the kitchen, you decided to get started on making some food. Late lunch, early dinner was what it was gonna be today but it didn't really matter. As long as there was some good food though, everything was good.

Keigo seemed to have been at the end of his shower because you were halfway through making to eat, he popped into the kitchen.

"Hey lovebird, didn't expect you here," he said as he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Well, now that you're here, you can help me out," you tell him. He makes an exasperated sigh, feigning annoyance.


You roll your eyes playfully and flick his forehead for good measure before telling him what he can do to help.

"So, how was your day, lover boy?" You ask him after a while of comfortable silence.

Keigo shrugs his shoulders. "It was so-so. Not bad, but not that great either. How was yours?"

"It was okay, same people were being a pain in the ass, others were bearable, and others were pretty good," you reply.

"Am I in your list of good people for today?"

"No, you're in the 'pain in the ass' category," you joked.

Keigo mocked being hurt. "You're so mean to me."

You laugh him off. "Well, anyways, add that to here."

After a while of some conversation and finishing up, the food was ready. Which was good, because you were already pretty hungry.

"This is really good, baby," Keigo said happily as he dug in his plate.

You kiss his cheek. "Thank you, but you also helped me so I think I also have to thank you."

Just before you knew it, Keigo got up and got himself another serving. Maybe it was a bit more than his first serving.

"Uh, Kei, you sure you'll be okay after you finish that?" You ask him, slightly worried.

"Yeah, why?"

"No, it's nothing," you say brushing it off. Hopefully that was true, wouldn't want him to get a stomachache or something. "What do you want to do after we're done?"

"I don't know, don't really feel like going out. Unless you had something planned and he have to go out then-"Keigo started before you interrupted.

"No, I didn't plan anything, just asking," you tell him. "Actually, I think I know what to do."

"Okay," he said in approval.

Once you two were done and dishes were done as well, you led Keigo to the living room and told him to sit on the couch and wait for you.

"And no, you can't come follow me," you call out to him as you made your way to your shared bedroom.

All he heard was noise from you trying to grab things and dropping some more items. But regardless of whatever you were doing, he had other things in mind of what you possibly wanted to do. And they were the complete opposite of what you had in mind.

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