An Update, Sorta

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I posted my last chapter a day or so ago but before that, I haven't uploaded in like over a month lmao. And I'm very sorry about that but of course, things got out of hand and I was getting really stressed out mostly because of school. The last time I posted I had about a month before the semester ended. And you know once the semester is coming to an end, things get very stressful.

All of a sudden, you're not only worried about turning in any current assignments, but you're also trying to turn in any missing assignments you still can to get that good grade. And in addition to that, the teachers are assigning so much more work and a lot of projects or other things that are so time consuming and worth a huge chunk of your grade.

Along with all that school stuff, I was also worried about other personal things. So like, my mental health and my physical health and how others were doing as well. My mom wasn't feeling too good so that was worrying but it's nothing super serious. However, as im writing this, she isn't feeling the very best. I know why or at least an idea as to what's wrong but I think she will get better soon. She's gonna be staying home for this month and idk maybe some of next month and then she goes back to work but we'll see how things go and what her doctor says. We also had a bit of a scare in the family a few days back and that really took a toll on us. Especially my mom but things have calmed down since that had happened.

Also it feels so weird that things are kinda hectic rn. Especially cuz it's almost Christmas and around these times we'd be talking in person or calling if we were to busy about what we should do. Well, mostly for Christmas Eve, if you're Hispanic/Latinx, you know lol. But yeah, things don't really feel like they usually would.

The good thing is, I'm not stressing out over school, sort of. I'm taking this "course" so I can get my grade up in one class as opposed to retaking the whole course. I have until some days in January to worry about school again. So hopefully, I'll be able to write more and publish more. But also, don't expect it to be an everyday thing for me to upload. If I do upload, that's great. If I don't upload, I apologize I'll do my best and what I can. Right now, I'm also trying to help out around the house in any ways I can or in whatever they'd need me too. If I'm not doing something around the house, then I'm spending my time doing something I want to do. Unfortunately, I can't do much because, obviously there's a pandemic. Which sucks but it's understandable. Though I wish I could at least go grocery shopping with one parent but it is what it is. The last time I went out was over a month ago and we enjoyed it while we could.

Usually what I do in my own time is scroll through social media, mostly TikTok of course, watch any YouTube if I want, or watch anime. Speaking of my own time, I've been sleeping in until 12 lmao but my dad's been kinda a pain because if that. I'd get on a while other rant with that but I don't think I'd want to do that today.

Also, I know you've already heard of this a bunch of times by a lot of other people. It's "shifting". I've been trying it out for a few weeks now but I haven't shifted yet, sad. But, I'm looking forward to when I do. And I'm still trying to do it. If you're having questions about it, I definitely recommend checking out Shimmey Shay on YouTube. She's got videos on different methods and she explains what do for them and she also gives tips on what to do if you haven't shifted yet or if you're having troubles. One thing I will say is don't do it every night, you will tire yourself out. Try every other two nights for example. And don't do a different method every night either. Try one method for a few nights and if you're positive it isn't working for you, then you can try another method.

Besides shifting, I've made a TikTok. I've already made one earlier this year but it's my personal account. I made another account for things like anime and other things possibly. It's crazy to me still how much growth I've had in a few days. You can check it out if you want but you don't have to. If you wanna check it out and possibly give me a follow there, here it is:

 If you wanna check it out and possibly give me a follow there, here it is:

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I've posted more in the last few days so it doesn't look like that. So yeah, if you wanna go check it out there you go.

Anyways, I think that's all for today. Maybe another day I'll have other things to complain about.

Have a nice day/night and remember you're valid <3.

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