I Promise

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*The only 'warning' here is just swearing which has t happened in my previous stories. Regardless, I hope you like it :)

You sigh in relief as you enter the front door of your apartment you shared with Keigo. Today was a long and tiring day and you couldn't wait to come home and relax. You just wanted to have a relaxing evening with some takeout, a movie, a nice hot shower, and cuddles.

You walk in and leave your keys on the little look next to the door. You take off your jacket/hoodie/sweater and sigh with now having one layer less to worry about. One thing you noticed however, was that there weren't any lights on in the apartment.

That's weird, you think to yourself. Keigo said he'd be home early today. Maybe he got caught of with other things.

As you made your way to your bedroom, you noticed the door was shut. The door to the room wasn't ever really kept closed unless you went to bed or had company over and don't want them to see any mess in there. However, you were hearing muffled noises. This made you be on edge.

As you walked closer, you heard them more clearly. It was Keigo and he wasn't in the phone as you initially hoped. There was another person in there and things...didn't sound too PG in there.

Your hand shook as you reached to open the door. Once you opened it, your heart sank down to your stomach. Keigo was in there alright but there was another female straddling him and grinding her hips on his. His hands were rested upon them and he kept encouraging her to keep going.

The rodeo was over when you started confronting the both of them.

"Really Keigo! You tell me you'll be home early and this is what I come find you doing with this-" you start yelling. Immediately, they both stop what they were doing and Keigo looks at you horrified and extreme guilt is evident in his eyes. The other woman just froze and I'm a panic begain to get off of him and grab her clothes in an attempt to leave as fast as possible.

"Y-y/n I-" Keigo started but you cut him off.

With a glare you say,"What Keigo? You didn't mean any of this? Funny because if you didn't mean why'd you do it?" Your time was threatening and you kept a hard glare in him. Really this tough exterior was an attempt to try and prevent any tears on your part.

Keigo was already out of bed and was walking towards you in an attempt to apologize, at least you assumed. But it would be a pathetic and lame apology. You just wanted to get rid of them both from your place as soon as possible.

He took your hands and you could tell he was trying to apologize but you didn't hear over everything going on inside your head. A mixture of pure anger, hurt, sadness, betrayal, and oddly enough, guilt. Instead of listening, you tuned him out and tried calming yourself.

"I trusted you! How could you!" You yelled and whacked his hands off of you and started shoving him out of your room.

You grabbed ahold of him properly and started to roughly push him to the front door. You also started to drag the other female out of there as well.

"H-hey kid, lemme-" Keigo said but was cut off again. You slapped him across the face before yelling again. Except this time, tears were running down your face.

"Don't you try to 'hey kid' me you fucking cheater!" You started. "Go away, I don't ever want to see your stupid face and don't even try contacting me!"

You opened the door and pushed them both out forcefully and making sure you pushed them hard.

"Baby bird," Keigo said in a last attempt to say anything.

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