Chapter 16

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Minas POV-

I woke up to Bakugou yelling at Sero, Shinshou, Kaminari, and Jiro, telling them to go take a shower. I groaned and rolled over, grabbing a blanket and throwing it over my head to block out the noise. “It's too early for this shit,” I mumbled as the four trudged towards the campsites public showers. Unfortunately going back to sleep was not an option as Bakugou and Kirishima decided to loudly make breakfast. I groaned as I sat up, rubbing my eyes. “Could you be any louder? This noise is really great for sleep” I grumbled loud enough for them to hear, the sarcasm literally dripping from my words.. “Oh I’m sorry I wasn’t aware I was being too quiet, lemme fix that,” Bakugou said before loudly banging two pans together. I shot him the bird as I stood up and stretched. “You're an asshole, you know that right?” I asked as I trudged over to the cooler and grabbed a bottle of water. “Hey he might be an ass, but at least he’s a lovable asshole!” Kiri said, defending his boyfriend. I sighed, a smile on my lips, “I mean duh, why else would I hang around him Kiri? It’s just Bakugou's way of saying he likes you.” “I tolerate your existence,” Bakugou corrected me. I laughed and gave him a side hug, “Aww you know you love us!” “SHUT UP PINKY! I’LL KILL YOU!” Bakugou yelled at me, but you could tell he had no menace behind his words. I laughed and let go of him. 

Just then the others came back their close shoved in a grocery bag in which Bakugou immediately doused in febreeze and shoved into the very bottom of the pile of junk in the back of the van. I sat down with the others and asked, “Why’s Baku so mad at y’all?” “We participated in the mary jane last night,” Sero answered as he grabbed a bottle of water. “Ooooh.” We sat in silence until Baku shoved some plates of food at us. “Thanks Bakubro!” Kaminari chimed as he dug into the breakfast bakugou had made. “So what are we going to do today?” Jiro asked. “We're going to go to the Mothman festival! And offer the statue a can of beans!” Shinshou said excitedly. We had promised we’d take him if he’d go on the trip with us. “Yeah it’ll be so cool I can’t wait!” Kaminari joined in.”Oo sounds fun!” Jiro responded as she finished her breakfast. I nodded, “Yeah we’re going to stay in town for the whole thing too!” I said fueling the excitement. 

“I made a mothman cosplay and everything!” Sero said excitedly. “God please don’t tell me I have to be seen with you wearing that garbage, it's literally a black sheet and red sunglasses.” Bakugou groaned, throwing a blanket at Seros head. “Hey fuck you Bakubitch, its a cape and I have antenna.” “Whatever TapeFuck.” Sero flipped the living bomb off before going back to drinking his orange juice, Kaminari resting his head on his shoulder. 

“How far away are we from the festival?” Jiro asked. “Unfortunately due to a certain asshole we’re going to be on the road all day and won't get there until at least 8pm, missing the whole first day,” I said, shooting a glare at Bakugou. “Fuck you,” he replied, shooting me the bird. “Ew, I’m lesbian,” I said sticking my tongue out at him. Kirishima gasped, “I thought you were American!?” “Wait what country are Lesbians from!?” Kami yelled. “Lesbians equal immigrants!?” Sero skreiched even louder. “Miss me with that gay shit,” Bakugou surprisingly joined in with the vine. “But Bakugou you’re gay shit,” Jiro replied gesturing to Kirishima. “So are you bitch!” He screeched. I laughed at the pure stupidity before me. 

Later in the van Sero was back to driving, playing one of his Spotify playlists. I sat in the passenger seat while Jiro shared a seat with Kaminari and Shinshou in the middle and Bakugou and Kirishima taking the very back. They had Sero tape Shinshous' laptop to the ceiling in a way that let everyone in the back see it so they could have a Supernatural and Gravity Falls marathon to get everyone hyped for the festival.

“Hey can we stop and get snacks? I’m hungry,” Kami said leaning against the back of Seros' seat. “Yeah, I need to get gas anyway so we can get stuff when I stop,” Sero replied. Kaminari leaned even farther forward and kissed Seros cheek. “Thanks babe,” he said as he pulled away and curled up next to Shinshou. Sero blushed profusely before turning on the turn signal and making his way to an exit. 

We all piled out of the car and headed for the store except for Sero who stayed outside to fill up the gas. “Hey Hito, can you grab me a water?” he called out to which Shinshou replied with a nod. Bakugou and Kirishima both grabbed red monster maxx’s, Kaminari grabbed the Monster tea and lemonade, Jiro got an ultra rosa, and Shinshou grabbed an ultra violet for himself and a water for Sero. I got a blueberry Bai water thing. Kaminari headed over to the food and grabbed a bag of chips and before heading to the counter, the rest of us followed him. Bakugou paid and we all headed back to the car.

“Hey lemme take a turn driving,” Jiro said, “You look like you could use a break.” Sero expressed his gratitude and handed her the keys before curling up with his boyfriends in the middle of the van. The rest of us got in and Jiro hooked up her music before pulling out of the parking lot. A girl in red song began to play and Jiro sang along softly. I sang along quietly, blushing when Jiro noticed.


Finally we arrived at the hotel we would be staying at during the entirety of our stay and checked in. We went to the room which was pretty decent , with two beds and a futon couch. The boys would be split up among the beds while me and Jiro got stuck with the futon couch, well for the first night anyway. To make it fair we were going to rotate who had to sleep on the futon each night, so tomorrow it was Kirishima and Bakugous turn to sleep on it and then so on. 

Tired out from the long trip we all got ready for bed and got ready to sleep. As I was drifting off I felt Jiro roll over and wrap her arm around me in her sleep. I blush made its way up my face. She snuggled into me, and my face was as red as Kirishima's hair. I hugged here back before drifting off into a deep sleep.

A/n - Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I kinda struggled with it for awhile before I decided they should go to the Mothman Festival. I've wanted to go to it for a few years now but haven't been able to even tho its nly a few hours away from where I live. So I thought I'd write about going to get like a second hand type experiance thing. As always thank you so much for reading, your support means so much to me. I never thought this fic would get as far as it has and seeing you guys enjoying it makes me so happy.
Til next time,

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