Chapter 3

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A/N ~ Heres the third chapter! Im so sorry its took so long and is signifacantly shorter than my normal chapters, I'll to and get a better writing schedule.

Kirishima's pov (OOO something different)

I woke up to a bunch of squealing and the sound of pictures being taken. I groaned and went to roll over but I found that I couldn't. My eyes shot open and I realized I was still wrapped up in Bakugou's arms. My face went redder than my hair as Mina kept taking pictures and squealing. Suddenly Bakugou woke up and let go of me, jumped up and began to chase Mina around the tent. “You better delete those pictures you bitch!” “No! They're cute!” Bakugou growled as he tackled her and attempted to grab her phone, but she shoved it in her bra. Bakugou got off her and sat down, crossing his arms. “Fuck you Mina, thats no fair.” she laughed. 

“Well I’m hungry, anyone else?” Kami said as he yawned. Everyone nodded their agreements as Bakugou got up to start breakfast. Sero followed him to help as everyone else began to get ready for the day. Soon we all sat outside the tent eating in the cool morning. “So what are we doing while we’re here?” Sero asked as he took a sip of water. “Oh! Today I thought we’d hike some of the trails, and tomorrow we could drive into the nearby town and look around, then leave the next morning.” “Sounds good.” We cleaned up and locked all the food and valuables in the van before starting the first trail. 

Mina led the way, stopping every so often to take pictures with her polaroid camera, and storing the pictures in her backpack. She wanted to create a collage on her wall of our trip when we got back home. I smiled for a picture in front of a waterfall. Kami dared Bakugou to jump off and somehow Mina got a picture as he jumped. Everyone then started to jump off into the cool pool below. After a while we sat in the sun and ate sandwiches while we dried off. Mina showed us the pictures she took so far before we packed up and started on our way again. 

We finally reached the top of the mountain and Mina took pictures of us all and the view. We sat with our legs dangling off the ledge, (Guys what are you doing!? You could fall. dumbasses) I looked over at Bakugou who had seemed to avoid me since what happened this morning. I guess he was still embarrassed about mina taking all those pictures. I scooted over to sit next to him. “Mind if i take a picture for instagram?” I asked, gesturing to our dangling feet. “Nah, go ahead,” I quickly snapped a picture and captioned it ‘Hanging with my best bro @Katsuki_Bakuboom’ before posting it. I put my phone back in my pocket and looked out at the view. “Sure is nice out here,” I commented quietly. “Yeah,” Bakugou answered looking up at the sky. “You ok? You've seemed off since this morning,” I asked looking down again. “Im fine not-so-shitty-today hair, i'm still mad at Mina is all.” He looked over at me and our eyes met. I felt a blush start to rise up my cheeks so I looked away, internally yelling at myself about how unmanly I was being. 

Bakugou stood up, “Come one we should start to head back to camp before it gets dark.” He held his hand out to help me up, I took it and wished I didn't have to let go when I stood up. “Come on guys, time to hit the return trail. I walked silently next to Bakugou as we began to walk down the trail. Soon we reached the campsite and ate before going to bed, so we’d be ready for tomorrow. 

~~Time skip to tomorrow~~ 

We woke up early and packed up and headed into the town, deciding to eat breakfast at the IHOP there. We pulled into the parking lot as the sun finally rose up into the sky giving the place a golden glow. We ate and left after kami started to sing songs from Waitress while dancing. We drove on into the town and parked before getting out to explore. We went into several gift shops looking for Mina a pin to put on her backpack and Kaminari found a Pikachu Beanie, so he had to buy it. Soon the day neared an end and we headed back to the campsite for the last time.

We decided to sleep out under the stars and have the tent already packed so we could leave quicker tomorrow. I put my sleeping bag next to Bakugous and laid down on top of it and looked at the sky as the sunset colors faded to night. Sero pulled out a super fancy camera and started to take pictures of the stars for Mina to print like polaroids. After a while everyone settled down and started to fall asleep. I kept tossing and turning for awhile until Bakugou finally grabbed me and pulled me over to him mumbling, “I cant fucking sleep if you dont stop fucking moving.” I blushed as my face pressed against his chest before finally drifting to sleep.

A/N~ Again Im sorry this took so long but Im going to try and get the next chapter out this week to make up for it. Im really excited for the next few chapters because Im gonig to try an write some shinkamisero chapters and write about my favorite stoner tape boi <3 <3

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