Chapter 10

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A/N Im sorry it took a bit to write this but it is a little bit longer than normal so I hope that makes up for that awful cliffhanger I wrote last time. I cried too.

Sero POV- 

I woke up lying on the bathroom floor. I carefully sat up, looking around the room. There was a puddle of blood on the floor and the toilet was filled with blood and flowers. Whole flowers. I cringed. I quickly cleaned up the mess and disposed of the evidence before assessing myself in the mirror. I rinsed my mouth out and washed the dry blood from my face. I took a look around the room making sure everything was cleaned up. I sighed and left the bathroom, tiptoeing into the living room. It was still dark out and luckily everyone was still asleep. I curled up on the couch, pulling blankets around me like a cocoon. I hugged myself, missing the warm embraces of Shinshou and Kami. I couldn’t recall a night that the three of us hadn't spent the night together. 

Mina wanted me to confess to Shinshou and Kami, but I was scared. I know they liked me, at least as really good friends. Heck we were almost always together. I looked down at the Pikachu plush on the ground, a faint smile brushed my lips as I thought of Denkis soft yellow hair, the same color as the pikachu. I picked it up, thorns pressing at my lungs and throat, but I didn't care. What if they reject me when I confess? I shook my head trying to forcibly clear my mind. I need to tell them, and soon. I started coughing again, a flower pushing itself out of my throat. It fell into my hands, spotted in blood. It's worse than normal hanakai, I guess it's because it's two people instead of one. I need to go tell them now, if I don’t I might not make it through the night.

I put the flower on the coffee table and stood up. I hugged Denkis pikachu to my chest as I walked towards their room. I took a deep breathe in before knocking on the door. I heard a groan and some loud thuds before the door opened a minute later, revealing a disheveled Shinshou. “Hhmm?” he rubbed his eyes, “Whats up? Something wrong?” He mumbled out sleepily. I nodded. “I need to talk to you and Kams, it's really important.” my voice hoarse from coughing so much. He nodded as he opened the door wider and flipped on the lights. I shut the door behind me as he sat down on the bed and I followed. Denki sat up, leaning on Hito. I sat down cross legged, the pikachu in my lap, hiding my shaking hands. “So what’d you need to talk about?” Shinshou asks, breaking the silence. 

What was I thinking? This is stupid. I need to get out of here, brush it off like it's nothing. I sighed looking down at my lap. “I- I don’t know what I wanted to say. It was silly.” I started to get up, “I should just go.” Someone grabbed my hand, keeping me from leaving. I looked back seeing Shinshou holding me back. “Sero, what's wrong?” I shook my head, “It's noth-,” I started coughing again, my knees buckled and I fell to the floor, jerking my hand out of Shinshous. “Sero!” Denki cried in alarm. I could feel the flowers pressing up my esophagus. The thorns tearing at my lungs and throat. I felt the slimy petals of a flower pushing its way into my mouth. I felt Shinshou and Kami’s arms around me, they were saying something but I couldn’t hear them over my own coughing. I gripped my throat as I felt the flower push its way out of my mouth falling to the floor. I gasped for air feeling another try and push its way up and out of my throat. 

I felt Kami hugging me from behind, pulling me into his lap, pulling my hair back, stroking my cheek, telling me everythings going to be ok. I felt Shinshou grab one of my hands, “Who? Who is it?” He's asking me over and over. I have to tell them. “I-its,” I choke on my words, struggling to get them out as another bloody flower hits the floor. There's so much blood pooling up on the ground. “Y-you t-wo.” I finally got out, barely audible. I felt Kamis grip tighten slightly around me. Shinshou hugged me too. “We like you too. It's ok, we're here.” they kept saying over and over. I felt tears running down my cheeks. I felt the flowers in my throat start to wilt, the pain from the thorns subsiding as they stopped pressing against my lungs. Air started to fill my lungs again, I shook as I took deep breaths of air. I leaned back into Kami and Shin taking deep breaths, trying to calm down.

Shinshou rubbed my shoulder comfortingly, “It’s ok, your fine now.” I finally started to breathe normally again for the first time in awhile. I shifted in Kamis lap, turning around to hug him and Shinshou. Happy tears ran down my cheeks as I pushed my full weight onto them, causing us to fall over onto the ground. I don’t know how long we stayed there, crying tears of joy, whispering to each other how glad that we were all ok. Eventually I sat up and looked at the bloody mess on the hardwood floor. I sighed, “We need to clean that up before it dries onto the floor.” I picked up the bloody flowers from the ground, one yellow, the other purple. Blood was dried onto their wilted petals, a thorn pricked my finger causing me to drop them. “Yeah me and Denki will clean up, you should rest a bit,” Shinshou replied, picking me up and setting me on the bed. Shinshou left to get some paper towels and Denki sat down on the edge of the bed, pushing my bangs out of my eyes. “Don’t you dare scare us like that again ok?” I nodded and pulled him closer so our noses brushed against each other, pulling him in for a hug. He squeezed back and kissed my nose. “I gotta help Hito, when he comes back, then we can cuddle again.” I nodded, not wanting to talk since my throat hurt. 

Kaminaris POV- 

One moment Sero had been sitting on the bed the next he was doubled over on the floor coughing up blood and choking on flowers. I immediately hit the floor, successfully bruising my knees as I held him from behind. Shinshou followed me grabbing onto one of Serod hands, Seros other clenched to his throat as he coughed out a bloody yellow flower and some purple petals. “Who is it?” I kept asking over and over in panic. I thought my best friend was dying, my other soul mate on his way to death's door so young. Tears ran down my cheeks as I held him. He kept trying to talk but he could barely form a sentence from coughing so much, but finally he coughed out a raspy, “It's you two,” before continuing to gasp for air. I hugged him tighter saying over and over that I loved him and he was going to be ok, Shinshou was doing the same. After a minute Sero relaxed leaning into me and Shinshou as he was finally able to breath. He turned to hug us, knocking over us as we all cried. I kept whispering that I loved him over and over, that he was ok, not wanting to let go after seeing him almost die. Sero sat up after a minute and looked over at the bloody flower mess on the floor and sighed, “We need to clean that up before it dries onto the floor.” He picked up the two flowers for a second before dropping them. Shinshou agreed and picked up Sero and sat him on the bed so he could rest a minute. He left to get paper towels and I sat down on the bed and held seros hand. “Don’t you dare scare us like that again ok?” He nodded as I hugged him, our noses brushing against each other. I kissed his nose before getting up as Hito came back in so I could help clean up. 

Sero had fallen asleep by the time we finished, so we curled up on either side of him and held him as we fell asleep as well. 

A/N I hope you guys enjoyed! I'm thinking about doing a q/a where I answer questions you may have about me or the story. If you would like to see that just comment you questions here! As well as what you want to see in the story! I appreciate you guys so much, Thanks for reading, and as always, bring crime to your hometown.
~FlextapeBoi xx <3<3

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