Chapter 13

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A/N- Hey guys! Finally wrote another chapter! Its full of that good ol' kiribaku and its extra long to make up for the long wait.

Bakugou's pov-

We were back on the road, with Mina driving since Sero wanted to rest a bit more, not that I’d blame him. It was an hour or so of driving and we were far from the beach. Kirishima was asleep, his head resting on my shoulder. Shinshou, Denki, and Sero were curled up in the third row, light snoring coming from them. Mina was listening to a podcast called “Believing the Bizarre.” (this is a real podcast which i do recommend) It was about paranormal activities and aliens, which I mean fitting. Its sound softly filled the van as we drove down the road. I scrolled through my phone bordly, occasionally looking out the window. 

Mina eventually pulled over at a rest stop around noon. I shook Ei awake while Mina woke up the others. “Whaat,” he mumbled. “Time to wake up shitty hair.” He sat up and stretched. “Where are we,” he mumbled as we got out of the van. “Some rest stop.” He nodded in response. “Come on guys, let's eat lunch,” Mina urged. She got out some sandwiches she had made before we left that morning and I grabbed some water bottles. We headed towards the picnic tables that were set up and ate quietly. Kirishima was leaning on me, half asleep as he ate. “What are we doing next?” I asked, breaking the silence. “Well we're just going to drive from place to place seeing what each town has. You know just do what there is.” I nodded in response. “But where exactly are we going now?” asked Kaminari. “To Welton county, they supposedly have the world's best apple pie, as well as some lovely waterfalls.” (Everywhere their going is made up because idk the US's geography, let alone Japans to actually use real places without literal hours of intense research lol.) “How much longer?” prompted Shinshou, his head resting on Kaminaris shoulder. “A few more hours, not too long.”

Kiri stood up, stretching, “Well I'm going to take a walk, stretch my legs.” “Mind if I join you?” I asked standing, Kiri shook his head. We walked side by side through the rest stops walking trails in a comfortable silence. My hands were shoved into my pockets, Kiris resting at his sides, arms slightly swinging. A slight breeze blew Kiris' hair gently. I pulled my hand out of my pocket and let it dangle next to his, our hands brushing each other occasionally. A faint blush rose up my face everytime it happened. I should tell him, I thought. I should ask him out right now. I sighed and took a deep breath. 

“Hey Ei, I need to tell you something,” I said, finally breaking the silence. “Yeah Kat?” he said, turning to look at me. My heart was beating out of my chest, my palms were sweatier than usual, My mind wouldn’t stop racing. “I-,” I froze up. I can’t do this. What was I thinking? “I- I’m sorry, I forgot what I was going to say.’ I said after a minute, hoping he’d believe me. “You ok baku? It's not like you to forget like that.” Kiri pressed his wrist to my forehead trying to see if I was sick. I shook my head, “Yeah I’m fine, I think I’m just tired.” I mumbled. Kiri gave me a worried look, “You sure?” he asked. I shrugged in response, “Maybe.” We stopped walking, “Kat, you can tell me anything.” Our eyes locked in on eachother. His soft lips set in a worried fashion. Suddenly I pressed our lips together, creating an impromptu kiss. I pulled back, and Kiris eyes were wide in surprise. “I- I am so sorry,” I blurted out before sprinting off in the other direction. I ran to the van and opened the door, curling up in the trunk area, pulling a blanket over me to try and hide better. 

What was I thinking!? Kissing Kiri like that? My heart was beating out of my chest. He's going to hate me now. How will I be able to survive the rest of the trip? I need to leave, like right now. My mind was racing as I tried to figure out what to do. My phone started ringing startling me, it was Kirishima calling me. I turned the ringer off and ignored it letting it go to voicemail. He texted me a few times but I didn’t even read them, terrified he was going to say he hated me and never wanted to see me again. I shoved my phone in my pocket and hunkered down lower. I heard voices outside of the van. “Maybe he's inside the van?” I heard Mina say. “I check,” came Seros' voice. I held my breath and was careful not to move as I heard Seros hands hit the glass as he peered in. “He’s not in there, lets go check the bathrooms.” I heard them walk away and let out a quiet sigh of relief. Who can I call? Suddenly it dawned on me, I grabbed my phone and dialed the number. “Please pick up, please pick up.” I mumbled. “Hello?” came Jiros voice, I sighed with relief. “Bakugou, whats up?” “Jiro, can you come get me,” I asked, my voice raspy. “Huh? Bro what's wrong, did something happen?” I heard rustling in the background. “I- I kissed Kirishima and I can't face him. I don’t think he likes me back…” I finally said, my voice cracking. A tear ran down my cheek. “Oh Gods, are you sure?” She asked, worry in her voice. I sniffed, “Yeah, I'm pretty sure. The way he looked after I pulled away, “ My voice cracked again midway through the sentence. “Fuck, Im so sorry. Where are you?” “I’m currently hiding in the van but I need to leave before they find me. There's a town maybe a mile a way I can walk to. It’s uh Georgeville, in Shanin county. I’ll text you where I'm at when I get there.” I said recalling the map. “Ok that's like 3 hours away, but i’ll try to get there in 2, ok?” “Ok.” “Be Careful, see in a bit.” I heard a car starting as she hung up.

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