Chapter 9

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Oop sorry this took awhile i got unispired and then deleted half of this chapter after a week and rewrote it. Again sorry for the long wait, but heres the chapter!

Bakugou's POV- 

Sero had been acting weird since we went out today, but he said he was sick so I shrugged it off. Though I keep in mind that I should keep an eye on him and make sure he was ok. We had got back from the beach and Kirishima had curled up in my lap for no reason. I just sighed and kept watching the movie Sero had picked out. He was currently curled up on the couch as far from Denki and Shinshou as he possibly could. He coughed into his hand and I swear for a second there was blood but I blinked and nothing was there so I assumed I was seeing stuff. The movie was about these two stoner guys, which is fitting for Sero. It was pretty funny, I guess.

Mina had already gone to bed and the rest of us were about to do the same. Sero wanted to stay on the couch instead. “Are you sure you don’t want to go to our room? The beds are more comfortable than the couch,” Shinshou pressed but Sero shook his head. “I don’t want to bother you guys if i have to get up in the middle of the night.” “You won't bother us Sero!” Kami said, putting his wrist on Seros forehead to check his temperature. “Besides you’ve been coughing a lot and stuff, are you sure you're not getting a cold or something?” Sero pushed Kami off him. “Yeah I’m sure.” Sero coughed out. Again I swore a speckle of blood, but I blinked and it was gone. Kami sat down next to Sero on the couch and tried to put his wrist on Seros forehead to check his temperature again. He continued to try and shove Kami away. I sighed and went over to hold Sero down so Kami could at least see if he was running a fever. “God Soy Sauce, Pikachu just wants to see if you running a temperature.” Sero struggled for a minute before finally giving up and letting Sero check his temperature. “Mmm, you're a little warm. I think you might actually be getting sick, and not something you ate.” I let go of Sero, who immediately pulled away from everyone and fell off the backside of the couch onto the floor. “Sero!” Kami yelled out worriedly as he ran over to him. “You ok?” Shinshou asked, moving to Seros' other side. Kirishima came up behind me and rested his elbow on my shoulder. “Yeah you ok bro?” Sero nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he mumbled. “You guys go on to bed, well figure out what to do with Sero,” Shinshou said as he and Kami helped Sero up. I nodded and me and Kiri left.

 “Do you think Seros alright?” Kiri asked me as we entered our room. I shrugged. “I don’t know.” I jumped on one of the beds putting my arms behind my head. Kirishima sat down at the foot of the bed and leaned back onto it. His head touching the wall. “I hope he’s alright.” “Yeah me too.” “What do you think he has?” I thought about the times I thought I saw him cough up blood, and a stray flower petal in the hall . “I think he might have hanahaki. I’m not sure though,” I finally answered quietly. Ei shifted to look at me. “Hanakai!?” He whispered loudly. I nodded. “There was a random flower petal in the hall and I swore I saw him cough up blood earlier.” Ei nodded. “God I hope he’ll be ok.” “Me too. Me too.” 

Shinshou’s POV- 

“You’re clearly sick, let us help you,” Denki said as we tried to help Sero up from the ground. “I’m fine,” he breathed out raspilly. He started to get up on his own but fell over, his body shaking. I caught him and picked him up. He sighed in defeat and let me carry him to the couch. He held back coughs as I sat him down. “Seriously Sero, you’re definitely sick.” I said as Denki placed a blanket on Sero before hugging him. Sero sighed, “I’ll be fine, ok?” Wait was that a flower petal I saw falling from his lips? I blinked. There was nothing there, thank gods. I’ll ask Denki if he saw anything later. “So you're sure you want to sleep on the couch tonight?” I asked quietly. He nodded in response. I sighed, “Ok, but don’t hesitate to come get us if you need anything ok?” He nodded again. “One sec, I’ll be right back!” Denki said suddenly jumping up and running out of the room. He came back a second later with a pikachu plushie. “So you don’t get lonely.” He said smiling, handing out the pikachu to Sero. He smiled and hugged it to his chest, “Thanks Kams.” We both gave Sero one last goodnight hug before going back to our room. 

I sat down on the bed, pulling Denki into my lap. “Was it just me or did you see a flower petal fall from Seros lips earlier?” I asked after a minute. Denki shook his head, “I didn’t see anything, that doesn't mean it didn’t happen.” It was quiet for a moment. “Do you really think Sero has hanakai?” I shrugged, “It would explain why he is sick, but he literally could just have a cold and we’re overreacting.” Denki yawned as I leaned back onto the bed. He snuggled into my side, soon soft snores filled the room as he drifted to sleep. A faint smile was painted on my lips as I scrolled through my phone, waiting for sleep to overcome me. (why does that sound depressing af?)

Seros POV- 

Finally they left after trying to get me to tell them what was wrong. I didn’t want to push  them away, but I couldn’t be with them. It hurt too much, emotionally and physically. I had had to hold back coughs and felt my airways closing as they had tried to help me. A stray flower petal had fallen from my lips, I quickly hid it, hoping they hadn’t noticed. I don’t think they did. I hugged the pikachu plush to my chest, but the overwhelming feeling of flowers cutting my oxygen supply off made  me drop it, falling to the floor. I quietly and quickly made my way to the bathroom, taking the time to make sure the door was locked. 

(Ngl this is a little gorey coming up so uh just warning ya.)

My hands shook as I kneeled in front of the toilet, flowers and blood filling my throat. I coughed violently into the bowl, flowers and blood eventually falling into the bowl. Blood splattered on the inside of the toilet bowl. Blood filled my mouth dripping down my chin, drops splashing quietly into the water. My breath quick and unstable. I felt like I was gasping for air, slowly suffocating. It’s only the first day, it shouldn’t be this bad right? I shouldn’t feel like I’m this close to dying right? Thorns poked my esophagus and the walls of my lungs.  I eased my way down till I was lying on my side. Blood trickling down my cheek, forming a puddle of blood. I squeezed my eyes shut as the pain rippled through my body. So this is what dying feels like.

Sooo, what do you think? Also would anyone like to see my cosplay/face reveal? If you do Ill make an A/N type chapter for that if youre interested.
Thanks so much for reading!

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