Chapter 8

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A/N - Woah a chapter thats not like a month long wait?! Thats crazy!! Especially for me, but hey I did say I'd try and get a better writing schedule. Meaninig im going to procrastinate and write this story instead of do my homework... Its fine and hey mor story for you guys!!

Minas POV-

We had finally headed back to the house we rented so that we could change into swimming clothes and grab towels to head to the actual beach. We had found a skate park near part of the beach and planned on going there for Sero. However he said he was feeling under the weather and would rather lie down and not go. “Here you guys go on, I’m going to stay back and keep Sero company,” I pressed the vans keys into Kirishima's hand, my mom friend instincts showing. I waved goodbye as they left and went to the living room where Sero had curled up on the couch with a blanket. I plopped down in a chair next to it. “Shouldn’t you be with the others?” he asked as he coughed into his arm. I shook my head, “Nah, I wanted to make sure you were ok.” He nodded before coughing again. “Do you want some cough drops or something? I think I have somewhere.” “No, they wouldn't help anyways.” 

He suddenly got up and ran to the bathroom, haphazardly closing the door halfway. He sounded like he was coughing up a lung. I quietly walked over and peered in the door, “You oka-” I stopped as I saw him coughing up blood and flower petals. I rushed in and pulled his long hair out of his face and tied it up before giving him a hug. “How long have you had hanakai!? Who is it?!” I asked worriedly. He wiped some blood off his chin and leaned back breathing heavily. “Just today,” he said hoarsely. I nodded, “But who?” He shook his head, refusing to answer. “It's Shinshou and Kami, isn't it? I’ve seen how you look at them.” He looked down ashamedly and nodded. “Oh Sero it's nothing to be ashamed of, I’m sure they like you too.” I said comfortingly. He shook his head again.

“Not the way I like them, to them I'm just Kaminaris best friend and nothing more. I think Shinshou lowkey hates me sometimes.” He whispered, closing his eyes in pain. I rubbed his shoulder comfortingly. “Seriously!? Is that what you’ve been telling yourself?” I asked, trying to hold back a laugh. “Shinshou absolutely adores you. He literally grabbed you and cuddled with you on the trip here yesterday! Shinshou and Kami literally flirt with you all the time, you’d have to be blind not to see it.” Sero still shook his head. “No Mina. Kami flirts with everyone, and Shinshou is only nice to me because I’m Denkis friend.” I sighed. “You have to tell them, if you don’t I will.” I got up to go get my phone that I left in the living room. “NO!” Sero yelled, grabbing my arm and pulling back towards him. “They can’t know, Gods do you know how pathetic that makes me look.” He had tears in his eyes. “Mina, they cant know. No one can, not even Bakugou or Kirishima. I can’t ruin this trip for everyone with my shitty feelings.” Tears streamed down his cheeks, I knelt back down and hugged him. He hugged back quietly sobbing. 

“I don’t want everyone worrying about and frieting over me, when they could be having fun and enjoying themselves. I don’t want anyone to think it's their fault I died.” He pushed me away and coughed bloody flowers into the toilet. “Sero, you're not going to die. If you really think they don’t like you, you can get the surgery.” He shook his head violently. “No, I don't want my feelings to be gone. I don’t want to feel so empty,” he finally choked out. “You can’t just die!” I yelled as I felt tears forming in my own eyes. “I don’t want you too! It won’t make it any easier in the end if no one knows! You’re literally going to break Denki and Shinshous hearts if you die! Even if they don’t like you that way, you're still their best friend!” I cried,  hugging my knees to my chest. 

We sat that way for a few moments and calmed down. Sero whipped some tears off his cheek. “Fine, let me think about it, but you can’t tell anyone until I say so.” I nodded as I wiped tears off my own face. “Ok, I promise.” I gave Sero another hug before standing up and started to clean up the bathroom by flushing the toilet and whipped up the blood splatters. Sero helped and we splashed cold water on our faces so we didn’t look like we’d been crying. We went back to the living room and Sero curled back up on the couch and started looking through netflix. “So you're just planning on hiding it until you’ve decided on what you're going to do?” He nodded as he clicked on a Cheech and Chong movie. (Stoner sero, stoner sero, stoner, sero, stoner sero) “Eveyones going to find out soon you know. I mean we’re in a van together most of the time.” “I know, but I’ll figure something out. I just have to avoid Denki and Shinshou and hope it doesn’t get worse.” I sighed, shaking my head.

The door opened a few minutes later and in ran Denki who jumped onto the couch next to Sero. “Sero! Look what I got you!” he said holding up a seashell. Sero smiled before making a pained face and running to the bathroom and slamming the door shut. “Is he ok?” Denki asked with a worried face as he sat the seashell on the table. “Yeah, he’s just ate something that doesn’t agree with him.” Denki nodded as Shinshou came in and wrapped his arms around Dekin from behind, resting his head on Denkis. “Hows Sero?” Kirishima called out as he and Bakugou entered the house. “He’s just ate something that doesn't agree with him.” Denki said as he booped Shinshous nose with his finger. Kirishima nodded. “What are we watching?” Bakugou asked as he sat down in the living room. “Some cheech and Chong movie,” Shinshou said as he moved to sit next to Denki. Kirishma plopped down onto Bakugou's lap and slung his arm over Bakugous shoulder. Bakugou gave him an odd look before shrugging and continued watching the movie. 

Sero came out a few minutes later and curled up on the opposite end of the couch as Denki and Shinshou, keeping as much distance from them as he could. Denki, not noticing this, immediately threw himself at him in a hug. “Sero!” he said happily as he cuddled into Seros' side. “I hope you feel better soon!” Sero stifled a cough as he nodded. “Me too,” he coughed out. His face was a mix between a blush and anguish as he tried to keep from coughing up blood and flowers right then and there. He lightly pushed Kami off of him, “Sorry, I’m not feeling well. Do you mind?” “Oh yeah, sorry.” Kami scratched at the back of his neck for a second before going back to cuddling with Shinshou. Sero relaxed again and watched the movie keeping his mind off of the two people next to him.

A/N- Soooo what do you think? I swear I love Sero and this hurts me more to write than it does for you to read, trust me. I cried for like 30 minutes trying to write that last night. I think the next chapter or so might be a little more kiribaku based with occasional comentary by Kams and Shinshin on sero, but I need to write stuff for the other aspects of the story. Also again who do you want to see with Mina? I was thinking maybe Jiro or Tsu but honestly I want to know your guys's opinions so this story can be the best it can be.
Thanks for reading,

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