Chapter 18

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Jiros pov-

I woke up to Bakugou's alarm blaring and immediately stiffened as I realized I was cuddling Mina again,however she just sat up and smiled while mumbling a good morning. I let out a small sigh of relief seeing she wasn't upset. Kaminari had told me once that she liked me but he didn't realize Shinshou liked him back even when the guy was blatantly flirting with him. I mumbled a good morning back as she went to go make a cup of tea with the little coffee maker thing in the room. She came back a few minutes later and handed me a cup as she sipped from her own.

Everyone took turns in the bathroom getting ready for the day. "Let's eat at the festival today, you know get the famous mothman pancakes," I suggested. "Oo omg yes!" Mina agreed excitedly, a blush threatened to creep up my cheeks. She looked so cute. Everyone else agreed and we headed out, making sure Bakugou had the key. I walked next to Mina, blushing when our hands brushed against each other. "Wanna listen to music with me?" I asked nervously. "Yeah!" She smiled as I handed her an ear bud and clicked on a playlist. We both blushed when the first song that played was Space Girl. Our hands brushed against each other again and Mina intertwined our fingers, looking at me to ask if it was ok. When I didn't pull away she smiled, a blush spread up my cheeks.


"Jiro! Mina!" I heard a familiar voice call out. I turned to see Tsu running towards us, dragging Tokoyami behind her. I smiled and waved. "Hey guys!" Mina yelled out. "I didn't know you guys would be here! I would have asked if we could have met up, Kero!" "There's nothing stopping us! I can text the rest of the Bakusquad to join us!" Mina replied excitedly. "That's ok with me, as long as you're ok with it," Tsu turned to Tokoyami, who stood behind her. He nodded approvingly in response. "Ok I'll text the boys!"

We ended up spending the rest of the day with Tsu and Tokoyami. We went all over the festival making sure we got to see everything we hadn't seen yesterday. It was really fun and we ended up hanging out that evening, even after we left the festival. We eventually split up after we ate supper as they were going to the movies and we were heading back to the hotel. Tonight was our last night and we had to check out early in the morning so we made sure our stuff was packed and ready for in the morning.


Seros pov-

It'd been two days since we left the Mothman Festival and we'd been on the road since, only stopping for gas occasionally. Me, Mina, and Jiro had all taken turns driving so we could all have time to sleep and relax. It was currently 3 am and I was tired of being in the car, so I drove into the nearest exit and found a Walmart. There were only a few other cars in the parking lot other than ours. "Guys wake up, I'm bored." Suddenly a paper bag hit the side of my head, "The fuck Tape Face, its 3 fucking in the morning!" Bakugou yelled at me, effectively waking everyone up. "Well yeah, what other time would we go on a late night Walmart shopping trip?" I questioned. "Hantas right, we gotta have a 3am walmart dash or does the trip even count?" Denki said, yawning, Hito nodded in agreement. "Fine, hurry up." Bakugou grumbled as we all piled out of the car. "What do we even need?" Mina asked sleepily. "Nothing, but let's buy the randomest things to confuse the employee." I grabbed a cart in which Denki climbed into and pulled Shinshou in with him. "Oo me too!" Kirishima grabbed another and climbed into it for Bakugou to push. Jior grabbed a cart for her and Mina and then we were off.

Denki insisted that we go to the Toys section where he grabbed a pikachu plush. I quickly took a picture before pushing the cart and riding it towards the bedding where we all grabbed Minecraft squids, giggling the whole time. We raced down the empty aisles on the cart, taking turns pushing before meeting the others in the music section. (ok so there's like a little nsfw up a head, but not really) "Bros! You'll never guess what Bakugou just did!" Kirishima yelled, struggling to hold in his laugh. "Ok so he walks up to this old employee guy with a belt in one hand and my hand in the other, looks him dead in the eyes and askes 'Can you unlock the dildos for me?' This guy takes one look at us and faints. We literally booked it out of there, threw the belt down a random aile and hid in the bathroom for 15 minutes." I burst out laughing at the end of the story

"Pfft holy shit! We just raced down the empty ailes screaming!" Denki cried out laughing, 'Toshi struggled to keep a straight face. "You didn't"Mina screeched out before dying, laughing. "I did, you should have seen the guys face." Bakugou laughed out, trying not to smile.

"Ok so what random and off putting items did you guys get?" Jiro asked. I gestured to the plushies we'd grabbed and a large bottle of vanilla I'd grabbed while racing down the aisle earlier. ( you didn't hear it from me but vanilla is literally a type of alcohol that you can get drunk off of) Kirishima and Bakugou produced several cans of powdered horse milk, a carton of jelly bean flavored milk, and severed feet flower pots. Mina and Jiro pulled out a single book, 'How To Poo at Work." "The fuck?" Shinshou asked when he saw the cover. "I'm going to give it to Aizawa sensei and see what he says." Mina said, tossing it back into the cart. "Omg my dad will kill you," Shishou groaned. I burst out laughing, "Do it in front of the class. I have to see everyone's reaction to it!"

We walked towards the checkout giggling before going up to the cashier emotionless as we bought our items. We burst out in laughter as soon as we exited the building. "Omg lets race the carts before we leave!" Kirishima suggested. We all agreed and lined up the carts before Hito yelled go and everyone pushing the carts began running before jumping on them and speeding through the parking lot. We raced several times, switching out who was pushing before we got tired. Bakugou and Kirishima won ⅗ times we raced. I yawned as we headed back to the van. "Here I'll drive. It's about time we switch drivers out anyway, "Jior said and I handed her the keys. I crawled into the backseat with Denki and 'Toshi and curled up with them as Jiro started the van.


Hey guys sorry this was a bit late, some stuff happened and I lost motivation to write for bit but hopefully I'll be able to write more soon. As always I hope you enjoyed!

The Bakusquad Road Trip Where stories live. Discover now