Chapter 19

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Shinshous Pov-

“I don’t want to go home,” Denki whined when Mina announced that we were going to head back home soon. “I don’t either Denks, but school starts in a week and a half and I’m not keen on having my dads coming to drag us back,” I replied. Denki grumbled an agreement. “I know it sucks, but we have enough time for one more stop before we have to go back, so what do guys want to do?” Mina asked. I shrugged, not really caring since whatever we did would definitely be fun in the end. “I don’t think there isn’t something we haven’t already done.” Kirishima thought out loud. “We went camping, to an amusement park, the beach, several random towns, a festival, and you can’t forget the 3am Walmart dash.” Sero seemingly finished the thought out loud, as if they were sharing a brain cell and it passed from one to the other. The squad brain cell. 

“What if we go to the beach again, but like a different one? Jiro wasn’t with us the first time and Sero definitely didn’t get to enjoy it much.” Bakugou suggested. “Ooo! I know what we should do!” Kirishima said, bouncing up and down in his seat. “We should go bungee jumping! It would be super manly and they have that at the beach!” 

“I mean I’d like to go to the beach again, could we camp on it this time?” Sero asked after a moment. “Yeah that sounds like fun!” Jiro agreed. Everyone else nodded, “Then it's settled! Back to the beach and bungee jumping it is!” Mina announced excitedly. 

I yawned and leaned against Denki as Mina put in some directions in the GPS for Hanta. “How long until we get there?” I mumble. “About 4 hours,” Mina said after checking the GPS’s estimated times. “Oo! Let's watch something!” Denki suggested. “MMmokay, like what?” I ask as I grab my laptop out of my bag and pull up Netflix. “Lets watch One Piece!” Kami suggested. (I’ve recently started watching it so it's really good so if you haven’t seen it you should, it's all on vrv and funimation) “Ight.” I pulled up the anime and started it. “Oo I wanna watch too!” Kirishima exclaimed, leaning against the back of our seat. I nodded and slipped my laptop into the tape holder thing Sero made so everyone in the back could watch with us. 

I woke up a while later to Denki shaking my shoulder. “We’re here!” He exclaimed. I climbed out of a car and took a deep breath, soaking in the salty air. We were on a small, secluded cove with large moss covered rocks surrounding the beach. Bakugou and Kirishima were setting up our tent, while Mina and Jiro were building a bonfire on the beach. Sero was hanging a hammock on some nearby trees for himself. “You don't want to cuddle with us?” Denki pouted as we approached him. “This my love is a 3 person hammock.” he gestured to the large monstrosity of a hammock. “A what!?” I smiled softly and Denki’s confusion. “A three person hammock! So we can sleep under the stars together. I saw it at a walmart supply stop and got it!”  Sero beamed, smiling his signature smile. “Poggers!” Denki beamed back, causing me to blush at how cute they were. 

“Stop metaphorically fucking and get over here so we can eat you extras!” Bakugou grumble yelled at us. Hanta and Denki blushed with embarrassment as I grabbed their hands and pulled them to the bonfire. Mina and Jiro had set it up in the center of the beach and had Kirishima drag over some rocks for us to sit on. Bakugou had a package of hotdogs in one hand and the buns in the other. “I found some sticks for the hot dogs!” Kirishima exclaimed as he came jogging up to us, 7 sticks in hand. I grabbed one and stuck a hotdog on it and held it above the fire, careful not to burn it. I rested my head on Denkis shoulder as Hanta ran off to grab a radio from the van. He put on a station playing old beachy music and let its sound drift through the night air as we ate. I faintly remember Hanta picking me upland carrying me to the silly hammock he’d set up as I drifted in and out of sleep.

”Wake up whores, we’re going bungee jumping!” Mina yelled. “Eep!” Denki screeched as he sat up really fast, causing him to fall off the hammock. “What the hell Mina, you trying to kill me!” She laughed before going dead serious,”If I wanted you dead, I would have killed you already.” “I-.” She skipped away merrily. “Why are we doing this again?” I asked as we got ready to leave the cove. “Because I think it would be super manly!” Kirishima chimed. “It’ll be fun! I do it basically every time I use my quirk!” Sero reassured me. We climbed into the van, me in the passenger seat, Hanta driving, Denki, Mina, and Jiro in the second row, and Kirishima and Bakugou in the third. 

We stopped at mcdonalds for breakfast and made our way to the bungee jumping place. “Bro is this an elevator to Eeby Deeby!?” Jiro suddenly asked as we stepped into an elevator that took us to the top of the building place where you could get to the area you jumped from. “To fucking where?” Bakugou asked, shooting a confused glare her way. “To Eeby Deby, you guys aren’t on Tumblr and it shows.”  “I- '' (I’m sorry i had to lmso) “You know what I don’t want to know anymore,” he finally said, giving her a concerned glance. “Do not disrespect Tumblr you whore,” I said, giving him a death glare. He groaned, “Not you too, what are you 2014 Tumblr girls?” “Yes,”Me and Jiro responded in unison. “Me too!” Piped up Kaminari. “And me!” Hanta chimed in. “Same,” Mina deadpanned. “So me and Kiri are the only normal people here?” “Well actually…” Kirishima looked down at his feet. “God not you too.”

We laughed at Bakugou as the elevator doors opened up and we walked down the path that led to a bridge where we would be jumping off from. The people running the bungee jumping place went over the safety precautions and helped put on the equipment. Kirishima went first and then Bakugou. Mina and Jiro went together and then Sero. Finally it was my turn as I stood on the edge of the building. Wind whipped through my hair as I looked down to the ground where everyone but Denki and me were. I saw Sero send me a thumbs up before the instructor gave me the go ahead. I took a deep breath and let myself fall off the bridge. A scream stopped in the back of my throat, threatening to come out as the wind ripped through my hair, but as quickly as it started it ended, as I suddenly stopped falling. I let out a shaky breath as they lowered me fully to the ground. Sero was by my side in an instant. 

“So, what didja think?” He asked as I held onto his arm as we moved away from the landing spot that Denki would soon be hurdling down to. “It was different.” I finally breathe out. Suddenly Denkis screams filled the air, not stopping until I poked him in the shoulder, “You're not falling anymore.” He opened his eyes and looked around. “Oh, your right.” I just smiled and shook my head.


Hey guys! This chapter was inspired by Hawkfox_storries who requested that the bakusquad went bungee jumping. Again thank you because I really didn't know what I was going to have happen in this chapter.

Also big announcement! This story is only going to have 1 or 2 more chapters since the summer is almost over in the stories timeline. I'm really thankful for all of you that have stuck with this story and continued to give it your support. But don't worry the Bakusquad shennaigans aren't ending here. I've been planning another Bakusquad book!

My new story is going to be a no quirks paranormal au! Featuring the squad investigating paranormal activity across the country in their van and posting it all on their youtube! As of right now the only ships I have planned for it are ShinKami and Erasermic. I'll probably do either Kiribaku or BakuSero. Either way everything but erasermic is going to be slowburn. Over 30 chapters have already been planned and there will be way more in the works. This is going to be my first very large project and I can't wait to share it with you!

If you're interested in reading that story you can follow me for updates, or when the first chapter is up I'll make sure to post an announcment here! Also if you have a preference for the Bakugou ship let me know! and If you have any ships for mina you'd like to see please comment. I really want to hear you feedback!

Anyways I'll see you all in the next chapter! Thanks for reading!

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