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WOOOO norenmin!!!!!!

aaaaa this part was so fun to write. it was my first time writing a poly relationship... AAAAA and my god... not to toot my own horn but i wrote them so cute i loved the last 2 chapters so much. they're my everythings

this part was more focused on jeno because i think his "problem" is something people relate to most (including myself!) jeno struggles with satisfying his parents, struggles with it his whole life. it isn't only until the end of this story where he decides to go against them and live his life. he wants to please them so badly, he ruins himself in the process.

jaemin struggles with self expression, he wants to dress and look like hyuck but he doesn't have the confidence to do so. i didn't really show a lot of him so most of this is hinted and very brief, but near the end, he does eventually feel comfortable with himself and we can see this with renjun's gift!

renjun, well, i think out of the characters so far, he's the character who's most put together. maybe this is just me, but he seems like a person who is put together a lot, helping others. i'd say his struggle in this fic is getting used to being new (from china to korea) and the doubts of joining a poly relationship. he was iffy about joining nomin (reasonable tbh) but in the end they're able to work it out. maybe i could've done more with the whole "hey do u want to be in a poly relationship?" thing and add more angst but i think that would add to the stigma that usually comes poly relationships... poly relationships work out as long as all parties have trust and spend time with one another!

i thoroughly enjoyed writing this part. maybe it's me who's slightly fucked up, but the sad part, the part of jeno ranting to jaemin at the nurse's office, was fun to write. maybe it's a bit of projection LOL

so! last part, chenji, is next. i haven't even started planning it. as of right now (dec 27, 2020), the only thing i have for chenji is that they're best friends in denial! which i hinted in previous parts.

update, as of may 23, 2021 (jesus fucking christ the time jump) i've been swamped with work and testing so i haven't even started chenji's part. this book will be on a slight hiatus D: i'll be working on this part over the summer, and hopefully posting in the fall! (no promises..) i have a markhyuck fic in the drafts right now, maybe i'll get to editing and posting that in the meantime!

with that, i hope you enjoyed norenmin and their story and for future purposes, i hope you enjoy chenji's story too. thank you <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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