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RENJUN CAME TO KOREA WITH HIS TWO PARENTS AND A BUNCH OF NERVES. He grew up learning both Chinese and Korean, so he wasn't worried about not being able to speak the language, but knowing the language didn't mean he would make any friends.

That was his biggest worry. Friends.

In China, Renjun couldn't say he had many friends. He knew people, hung out with them, but to be honest, they were never close. He felt fake with them. He had no one to talk about aliens and conspiracy theories with, no one to share worries and other feelings with.

The move to Korea meant he could be a new person. He could be himself, for once, and he hoped he would be able to make friends. Real ones.

So, it helped that he met Chenle, the adorable, energetic freshman. Renjun didn't know Chenle, but just from first impressions, he liked the younger a lot more than his friends from home.

Then, Renjun was added to the group chat. He made more friends. He was happy.

What he didn't expect, however, was falling for one of them.

Jaemin was not planned. Renjun was definitely not looking for a crush, yet Jaemin came. Spending time with him, Renjun was able to develop feelings. He felt guilty knowing Jaemin was dating Jeno, and so he kept those feelings to himself.

It didn't help that he was the one who saw Jeno that night, alone. Seeing the other break down, and share his worries with him. Jeno had called him a stranger then, which confused Renjun initially, until he realized he had never really interacted with Jeno one on one before. It was a big possibility that Jeno was overwhelmed by what happened that night and didn't recognize Renjun's face well enough.

Besides this, Renjun was able to feel like himself for the first time in a long time. Sarcastic, funny, but with a soft side. His new friends were open, openly gay or bi, openly accepting of everything.

Renjun walked out of his class, looking around for Jaemin.



why can i not see u!!!

is this a short joke

haha no
but if the shoe fits....?

walk home by yourself

ur coming with me today

yeah, yeah
i see u


Renjun went up to Jaemin, and poked his shoulder.

"Hey!" Jaemin smiled, looking up from his phone.

"Hey. You ready?"

"Yeah. Do you mind if we make a stop? Jeno is at the nurse and he's coming to mine."

Renjun was confused, "So I assume you guys made up?"

"Yeah," Jaemin grinned some more, "we made up."

Renjun wasn't sure he should be happy or sad, but for the sake of his friend, he acted happy.

"I'm glad!"

"Are you?" Jaemin squinted his eyes.

"Jaemin, what?"

"Renjun," Jaemin stopped walking and pulled Renjun over to a more secluded area by the school lockers.

"What are you doing?" His eyebrows creased, confusion showing on his face.

"I need to ask you something."

"You're acting so weird today. Go ahead."

"Renjun, do you perhaps have a crush on me?"

Renjun flushed. "No, I have no idea what you're talking about."

Oh my God, he thought, Am I that obvious? Holy shit. He doesn't want to be my friend anymore. Jeno told Jaemin he doesn't want me around him anymore and oh God, my life is ove-

Jaemin's smile somehow grew even bigger, "Junnie, you're blushing. It's okay, just admit it."

"You have something with Jeno, Jaemin. I'm not getting in the middle of you two again." Renjun sighed. There was no point in lying if Jaemin knew the truth.

"What if I told you we both are interested in dating you?"

Renjun froze completely. "What?"

"We talked about poly relationships before at the park, remember? What if we did that? Would you be okay with that?"

"I, I," Renjun stuttered.

"I'm not trying to pressure you or anything, I just thi-"

"I'm okay with it." Renjun cut him off.

Jaemin beamed, "Really?"

Renjun returned a smile, "Yes. I would love to get to know Jeno a bit more before committing, but yes. I'm interested."

Jaemin started jumping up in joy, "This is great!"

Renjun laughed as he held Jaemin down, "Alright you bunny, stop hopping. Let's go pick up Jeno, shall we?"

"Let's go." Jaemin hooked his arm with Renjun's.

Renjun was excited about where this could go.

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