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JENO WOKE UP WITH A POUNDING HEADACHE. He couldn't remember anything besides arriving at the party and Lucas giving him a shit ton of alcohol. When he realized he wasn't even in his room, he made a move to get up. However, an arm wrapped around him prevented him from moving.

Jeno turned around to see Jaemin. He internally groaned, knowing this was the one person he wanted to avoid, yet somehow they ended up together.

Jeno knew something was up with Jaemin and that boy, he just had this feeling. He was preparing himself for when Jaemin would decide to break up with him. Jeno planned it all out. Distance himself, then break up with Jaemin first.

It wasn't a fool-proof plan, seeing as Jeno was too in love with Jaemin to easily break up, but Jeno was more than willing to go through with it.

After all, pain inflicted on yourself is way less harsh than pain inflicted by others.

Jeno fully turned his body to face Jaemin's.

He wished he could savior this moment forever. The peace in it all, the silence, the love.

Jeno wished he could stay in this moment forever, but forever was too much to ask for.

Instead of spending time wishing, he spent his time studying Jaemin's face. The face Jeno has looked at with only love and adoration for the past few years.

Reminiscing their past made him smile. Jeno remembered befriending Donghyuck during 8th grade and being introduced to his best friend, Jaemin. It only took Jeno three months to fall in love, and only a year in total to make Jaemin his boyfriend. Fast forward, two years later to 10th grade, sophomore year. The present, where Jeno thinks Jaemin is in love with someone else and is planning on breaking up with him first because he doesn't want his heart to be broken by his first and only love.

Jeno chuckled. Hyuck was right, high school couples never last.

Jaemin slowly stirred. He fluttered his eyes open, and the two were there, simply staring at one another.

"Good morning." Jeno said.

"Good morning."

Jeno couldn't take the intense staring anymore, "Thanks for last night. I have to go." He started to get up, but was stopped by Jaemin, who grabbed his arm.

"Wait. Please wait."

The pleading in his voice was too much for Jeno. He was too weak for this boy.

"I can't. I have practice."

"I texted Mark when I woke up earlier before, I told him to tell your coach you couldn't go. Coach said he understood."

Jeno sighed, knowing he couldn't make an excuse, he laid back down on the bed, "Okay."

Jaemin smiled at his mini victory, but it quickly faded when the room filled with an awkward and tense silence. It was never like this for the two of them, so why was it like this now?

"Are you okay? You didn't answer my texts these last few days."

"Yeah, yeah, just super busy."

"Always busy."

Jeno grimaced, "Yeah."

Jaemin gently grabbed Jeno's face, making him face Jaemin. "You know I love you, right?"


"I'm always here for you. I'll always be here for you."

Why was Jaemin making it more difficult for him? Why was he acting like he cared?

"I'll always be here for you too."

"I'm glad." Jaemin smiled, one of his large, beautiful smiles. "I always feel a lot better knowing you're by my side."

Jeno forced himself to smile back.

After today, Jeno promised to himself, he would start the plan. Just for this day, he'd let himself bask in Jaemin's presence, since it'd be the last.

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