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AUTHOR'S NOTE- Leave if you are gonna hate on this book or the author because I do not take negative energy. THIS IS ONLY FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES. 


"This is normally triggered by my many mental illnesses"

"Such as my bipolar disorder or my depression"


"Jimin, I need to be honest with you" Taehyung sighed as he paced the room. "If you are gonna commit to this relationship, I don't want my dirty lies to be involved."

"What's this about" Jungkook, now confused, asked a frantic Taehyung

"You guys need to sit for this, I-" he sighed. "I did somethings that are bad, real bad, that I'm not proud of"

"Taehyung, you are scaring me," Jimin finally said in a shaking voice.

"What's worst than killing people" Jungkook chuckled, referring to Jimin and him.

"Heartbreak," Taehyung said, looking at the both of them, which caused them to stop and actually pay attention to the boy.

"The second day of Jimin going missing, I cheated on him-" he was cut off.

"We know this already, and I forgave you."

"No, just let me finish, please."

"Okay, continue."

"After I cheated, I felt dirty, so dirty; I couldn't forgive myself. I didn't forgive myself, still, but then after a couple of days, I wanted to do it again. It felt like heaven. I knew that Jin could hear me the first time, so I did it smartly this time. God, I sound like a fucking asshole."

"I got a hotel room and invited her out for dinner, but only to get in her pants. I'm so ashamed" I held his head in his hands.

"After dinner, I finally got her in bed, and we had sex again. And this time, I didn't even feel dirty. I just felt alive. I knew it was something wrong, but that made it better."

"I did it like every week, at different locations. Having the time of my life, not thinking about anything, or the consequences."

"After a while, I got tired of the same girl a threw her away, like fucking trash."

"I told her that she started to lack the stamina I wanted and that she started to become fat. I told her to go to the kitchen and do what women do best" Taehyung started to shake. "I said everything a fucking sexist would say."

"I don't know where my mind was. I didn't even realize the words that were coming out of my mouth. I tried apologizing after I said it, but I knew she wouldn't forgive me, because I too, wouldn't forgive myself" Taehyung looked at Jimin. "It's like I became this sex-craved man when you left. I was so heartbroken that I became someone I was not"

"And God knows that wasn't the worst thing I did."

"A couple of months later, I started to change my ways, getting better, stop doing one-night stands, going to therapy for all this lust, all this greed. I promise I was getting better, I really was"

"I got a call. It was an unknown number. I didn't answer at first, but Jin kept saying to answer it because it bothered him. So I excused myself and answered the phone."

"It was her. She called to tell me something important, but she didn't want to say it over the phone."

"I just thought it was something unimportant, like-" he sighed as he bent down, "I don't know what I thought it was; I just never thought I would have gotten the message I did that day."

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