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AUTHOR'S NOTE- Leave if you are gonna hate on this book or the author because I do not take negative energy. THIS IS ONLY FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES


"At first it was just a small imagination I had when I was younger, nothing harmful"

"Now I can feel the change in my heartbeat and in my breathing, these imaginations directly affect my body."


"Has anyone seen Jimin today?" Jin asked as he came from the bathroom

"No, I thought he was the one that was in the bathroom," Taehyung respond, remembering how he didn't feel the next boy's presence beside him when he woke up

"Maybe he has gone to the cafe or something," Hoseok said as he yawned

"Yeah, maybe" But deep down, Jin knew something was wrong; he didn't want to face it yet. He just went downstairs to make breakfast, hoping Jimin would come home soon

~ 3 hours later

"Appa, I'm starting to get worried, Jimin doesn't usually stay out for more than 30 minutes, and it has been 3 whole hours. I'm starting to miss Mr. Innocent" Hoseok has been whining for the past hour now, and Taehyung has been getting agitated. Jin is the only one calm, even though he is freaking out on the inside. Of course, he was worried sick for his little chim, and the only thing that was going through his mind was that he was in trouble.

"Hey guys, let's watch a movie, that will probably pass the time, and Jimin will be here by then," Jin said


"Or we can go eat some ice cream. That will cool us down."


"What! Don't you see I'm trying something here" Jin shouted back at Hoseok?

"He left some notes. I found them on the wall in the garage."

Taehyung and Jin rushed to read them.

"Dear Jin

I love you so much, my only appa. You know I love you, and I show it every day. I might not say it, but I hope you know I do. You couldn't have come into my life at a better time. You saved me in every way possible and made me stay "innocent" for 6 years. Sadly, I was never innocent. You'll find out soon, and please no, this is not a suicide letter; I know how you think, Jin hyung. Stay safe and remember, I'll tell you all about it when I get back, and you can scold me, I'll let you. Damn, I really do hope, out of everyone, that you don't hate me because that would hurt like a headache, can't curse, now can I?. I love appa, I am the moon, and you are my earth" Jin couldn't handle it anymore; he walked silently up the stairs and away from the other two


"Dear Hoseok

My little hoe hoe hoe, God, I fucking love you. You gave me my first alcohol substance, taught me how to put on a condom, how to penetrate myself- which I still think is somewhat weird, why I would need to learn that, but hey, you should know, you are the life coach. But really, I love you way too much. I might say I hate you, but I really do care about you, and I'm gonna miss you. I'll see you soon, and I'll probably be grown and become the man you trained me for, a badass with no morals, that will fuck anybody with an ass of a God, well, that would be my jibooty. JUNG HOSEOK, I SAID SOON, STOP THE CRYING; I'M NOT FUCKING DEAD, YOU MORON. See you soon and remember, I'm your hope; you're my hope" Hoseok wiped his tears as he laughed at how Jimin knew he was crying. He then gave the last note to Taehyung and walked away. Leaving the house. It hurt him way too much to be staying in Jimin's house now.

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