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AUTHOR'S NOTE- Leave if you are gonna hate this book or the author because I do not take negative energy. THIS IS ONLY FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES





"It's like these scenarios trigger me"

"One minute I'm imagining a happy ending, then the next, I'm being tied up and drugged to sleep for imagining my mom suffocating to death"


When they all reached Jimin's mansion, guarded with securities, Jimin was in his room. No one entered nor exit, not even Yoongi, who is always around Jimin.

Taehyung, on the other hand, could care less. He made friends with Namjoon surprisingly in just a couple of hours but always left the room when Jungkook came in.

Yoongi wanted to kill Taehyung because he was the reason Jimin was cooped up in his room, not coming out nor letting the elder in after so many protests of burning the house down, which everyone, well except for the 3 new members, knew that Yoongi would do it. Still, Jimin just mumbled, 'I'm better off dead' every time he'd threaten him, which left Yoongi worried.

Countless times Jin would knock on his door and offer him food, but the younger would decline, and it would go on for days.

Jungkook wasn't enjoying it either; he loved his hyung and didn't mean for it to go this far. He even tried apologizing to Taehyung and taking Taehyung's hits and items he'd throw out of anger; heck, Taehyung once threw a hammer at him, and he took it, which left him with a broken wrist for a while. Taehyung apologizing so much, forgetting that he hated the younger. 

After maybe a few weeks, Taehyung and Jungkook became close- let's say inseparable- but to everyone's avail, Jimin still didn't come out of his room for a whole 2 months. He'd only come out and apologize to Taehyung for a good 45 minutes before giving up and going back into his room when Taehyung wouldn't spare him a glance and pretend the boy doesn't exist.

Taehyung didn't feel the slightest morality to the elder and just let him be, always passing his bedroom and not caring if he hears sniffles.

"Taehyung!"Jungkook shouted, "Get here."

"What is it" he mumbled as he walked into the kitchen; with everyone assembled, Yoongi separated from him by a table because the others know he is gonna jump him if he is at least 5 feet closer.

"I don't think Jimin has told you this before, nor do I think he wants you to know-"

"Then shut the fuck up then," Yoongi shouted, causing the others to flinch. Jin and Hoseok were becoming close to the group, so they understand everything about them and also Yoongi, while Taehyung, on the other hand, didn't care about Yoongi because he gave off a cold aura.

"What is this about? "Taehyung asked. "If this is some bullshit to make me talk to Jimin, then it isn't gonna work out, so don't even try-"

"For fucks sake, Taehyung stops being a fucking hypocrite," Jin shouted out, which he doesn't normally do.

 "You had a fucking whore in your bed the following day after Jimin went missing, and I know you said that you weren't in the correct mind-frame that moment, and you didn't let it happen again, which I know is a fucking lie, but you are gonna tell him that story when you find courage. But you know what I hate, I'm not too fond of the fact that you are here acting like you didn't cheat too, and to make it worst, it was the following day, not even a week after. Thin fucking walls Taehyung, I hear everything. So don't be going so damn hard on Jimin when you have this on your conscience" When I tell you, the place was quiet, "Were you ever gonna tell him, huh, WERE YOU?" Jin was becoming furious by the minute 

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