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AUTHOR'S NOTE- Leave if you are gonna hate on this book or the author because I do not take negative energy. THIS IS ONLY FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES


"I started to get a bit weirder though"

"Unusual, overly intense new ideas, strange feelings or having no feelings at all"


"Jimin is hurt," Jungkook shouted as they reached the house. 

"What do you mean by hurt."

"As in bullet to the chest, kind of hurt."

"What?!" Jin came from out of the living room

"Put him on the counter," he basically shouted at Jungkook.

"What are you gonna do," Jungkook asked with pleading eyes as he laid Jimin on the counter

"I'm about to remove my first ever bullet."

"Well do you know what you are doing" Jungkook frantically spoke

"I was almost a surgeon until you bastards came into my life and isolated me in this house" Jin went for a bag in  the basement before coming back up to where everyone else was

"Please don't kill him."

"If you don't stop talking, I'll have no problem killing you" He opened the bag and start taking out surgical equipment and placing them beside him.

"Get me a pair of gloves, please" Namjoon went to the cupboard, getting him what he asked for before passing them to Jin.

"Anyone afraid of seeing the inside of a body" Jin looked up at them. "Because if so, then get out."

He started examining the gunshot wound before sighing.

"What's wrong." 

"It hasn't hit anything major" He looked at Jimin's body. "Someone cut this shirt off him, please."

"What does that mean," Yoongi asked as he tore the boy's shirt, ripping it from his body

"Gunshots wounds that pass through the body without hitting major organs, blood vessels, or bone tend to cause less damage. " 

"So that's good, right." 

"Yes, Jungkook."He looked at the boy "Taehyung, hold him for me."

"So, I'm gonna start now" he looked at Namjoon. "And you are gonna be my nurse."


"Pass the scalpel."

"Wait" Taehyung stopped them as Jungkook was hyperventilating. "Could you talk, while you are doing it, to calm him down, and probably me from fainting" Jin looked at them before taking the scalpel and cutting the boy's chest.

"This was just a close-range shot to the chest," he began.


Before I start, I learned from Google, so if my story stumbles in any surgeon's library, please don't come at me if it's wrong; I'm just a teen.


 "A gunshot wound to the chest would work well. To be quickly fatal, the bullet would have to damage the heart or the aorta or another major blood vessel, such as the main pulmonary (lung) arteries. Under these circumstances, bleeding into the chest, the lungs, and around the heart would likely be extensive, and death could be almost instantaneous or in a very few minutes. He could survive even these injuries, but this would require quick and aggressive treatment, including emergent surgery and a pile of luck." He put down the scalpel "The gelpi retractor, please."

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