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AUTHOR'S NOTE- Leave if you are gonna hate on this book or the author because I do not take negative energy. THIS IS ONLY FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES


A little smut.......you have been warned.


"I think most of us have had wet dreams before"

"But have you ever been daydreaming about sex, and acting it out?"


Jimin kissed Taehyung like he wanted to be kissed as no boy had ever kissed him, soft and moist and hot and breathy, not trying to win a battle but seeking union and closeness and the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment. The heat rose in his cheeks as Taehyung tongue touched the other boys' tongue, quick and electric and delicious, then firmer, more determined, more curious about the heat that lay within, seeking to chase down that elusive liquid lightning that reached through both of them.

"What was that for," Taehyung asked once they break the kiss to catch their breath

"I just fucking missed you" He kissed his jaw.

"And your lips" he kissed his cheeks.

"And your body," and he kissed his mouth.

"Now, whatever you were gonna say, can you just say it when I come from out of the shower."

"Egg whites aren't a fantasy I am living" Jimin looked at his clothes.

"Okay, sure, I'll just wait on the bed."

Jimin went into the bathroom, turned on the shower, and started taking off his clothes, feeling sticky as he did. 

The water was warm by now, so he entered and sighed as the water touched his back, feeling at ease. 

He began to watch the egg yolk from his hair,  the slimy substance, not such a good feeling to his hands.

Once he was finished washing his hair, making sure it was egg-free, he continued to lather his body with soap. He started to sing a tune, his body moving to the beat. He was too into his singing that he didn't realize he had company.

The shorter started feeling hands going down his waist, which caused him to turn around abruptly.

"You did not just interrupt my concert like that," Jimin said, pointing the soap at Taehyung.

"I just wanted to touch you," Taehyung replied in a lustful voice.

"Taehyung, you are still in your clothes; you'll get sick," Jimin said and sighed " Get out and go put on so-"

Jimin was cut off by Taehyung's kiss, pressing their lips together very hard. Jimin rolled his hands at Taehyung's back and to his neck to deepen the kiss as Taehyung held the back of Jimin's leg, letting him jump on his waist, legs securely wrapped around his hips.

Taehyung's lips brushed his, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that he could inhale his breath, feel the warmth of his skin, and the taste of his plumped lips lingered far after he pulled away.

Shower sex

Taehyung grinned at the thought, hands traveling around Jimin's ass, making the other groan. Jimin pulled up Taehyung's shirt and begun gnawing his collar bones, gaining a low moan from his boyfriend.

"Minnie..fuck.." Taehyung bit his lips at Jimin's kisses on his chest, a path of hickey obviously checking his skin.


A moan got away at Taehyung's lips when Jimin trailed his tongue on his delicate areolas, delicately looking at the substance. Taehyung pulled Jimin's hair that made the other stop.

"Suck," The younger commanded, and Jimin pulled the two fingers closer, bobbing his head to it, tongue whirling at his boyfriend's slim, whereas locking gazes at Taehyung. His boyfriend, on the other hand, rationally reviled at how enticing Jimin is. He may cum by just observing his boyfriend suck his fingers. Jimin knew how to make him go crazy.

 "Ooh!" A boisterous mewl has gotten away Jimin's mouth as Taehyung slide two fingers interior him, rubbing and coming to his prostate. He curved his body and arranged himself on all fours, Taehyung having an idealized see of his ass. The younger quickly pushed and pulled his fingers in, steadily scissoring the other driving him into a moaning mess.

 "Mmmh, fuck," Taehyung murmured, holding Jimin's abdomen as he rubs himself at his entrance, feeling it jerk with pleasure. Jimin bit his lip and moved his hip, attempting to make more grinding, groaning, being a needy kitten.

 "Gosh, just put it in already; I don't like begging!" The shorter whined, gaining a path of kisses on his back. Taehyung's long fingers held Jimin's midsection for bolster as he gradually went in.

 "Goodness, Tae!" Taehyung bit his lips and tossed his head back, going faster and faster, harder, and harder.

 Oh, how Taehyung adores seeing Jimin being overwhelmed by him, frail and needy. How Jimin shout, whine and groan his title since of delight and bliss.

 "Faster, Tae! Just like that, Oh my fucking God!" Jimin groaned out, his hands sliding down to his solidified shaft to grant it a few thugs.

Jimin jumped, and Taehyung promptly held his midriff, pushing themselves at the cold divider of the shower, letting himself in once more. The younger groaned out.

 "Oh fuck, you're so tight," Taehyung mumbled, trailing kisses at Jimin's neck and areolas as he yanked the other's shaft and fucking the shorter profoundly. 

Jimin feeling like he sees the moon as he felt a gush hurrying out. Everything is too much to handle. With Taehyung's lips kissing, licking, and leaving marks on his skin and his other hand pumping his dick and his cock slamming interior, he can't take it anymore. 

"I'm gonna cum-" Jimin panted exceptionally uproariously, as well as much delight for him to feel embarrassed.

 "Cum for me, kitten, oh fuck,"

 And that's all he required as he releases himself at Taehyung's hands, shouting from bliss. He inclines his head at Taehyung's chest, panting. 

Taehyung came after, giving his boyfriend kisses after kisses on his neck. He let go of Jimin's legs, wrapping his long fingers around the latter's abdomen and pulling it closer.

Jimin grinned at Taehyung's fondness; he adores how Taehyung gets additionally clingy after sex. He cherishes it when his boyfriend takes care of him.

 "Minnie," Taehyung kissed his cheeks, gazing profoundly at Jimin's doe eyes. He grinned, whispering, "You are the love of my fucking life."

 "I love you."

 "Round two?"

 "Fuck you." Jimin chuckled as they went in for another kiss


"Jimin," Taehyung finally spoke as the two were in each other embraces in bed.

"Hmm," The shorter answered, eyes closed, loving the comfortable silence they are in

"That was our first time having sex with each other," and it dawned on Jimin too.

"Oh yeah," He chuckled and nuzzled his flushed red face in the younger's chest. 

Nothing could ruin this, he thought. Everything was just right.

"I came in the room to ask you something, well more like say something."

"This wasn't break-up sex, right."

"What?! No," Taehyung reassured the other.

"Then ask/say away" Jimin closed his eyes one more time, replaying what happened between them, with a smile on his face.

"I want us to have a threesome with Jungkook."

Taehyung didn't know that Jimin's state of mind, mood, the way how he behaves, and his whole innocent aura could change in 0.5 seconds, but it did, in entered the feared mafia leader.

"What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Just. Say?"

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