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AUTHOR'S NOTE- Leave if you are gonna hate this book or the author because I do not take negative energy. THIS IS ONLY FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES


"I wanna leave this world so bad because I'm not happy anymore, I'm in pain"

"This feels like a pain of a thousand stitches and it makes me crazy"


Jimin POV~

Becoming the leader of a mafia was uh-

It took something from me, it took little pieces of me, little pieces over time, so small, I didn't notice

My father wanted me to be something I wasn't, and I made myself into what he wanted.

One day I was me- Park Jimin- and then suddenly I was leaving every summer just to train, lying to my best friends, and putting my life in danger.

Until I was standing there, with no motivation of staying alive and I wasn't Park Jimin anymore, and even then I would've still trained my whole life to be the next leader, and that's what I did

I lost myself for a long time and now I'm finally me again;

I can't...

I love the mafia, I love being the leader, I love my lovers, and I love my life as it is, more than anything in the world and that scares the crap out of me because when I got the choice of killing my father or letting him live in endless pain and I choose to kill him, I know that I would do it again in a heartbeat-

 But that took a piece of me that I will never get;

And that will never happen again


"-Oh Sehun has been brought in for questioning. We will come back when we have more update on this matter"

"What?" Jimin asked when the reporter stopped talking

"Apparently, a cremation technician reported Sehun for burning someone's body," Jungkook said smiling before looking worried

"What kind of monster would ever do such a thing?" He gasped "We don't know who's the body, nor did they find the ashes, but that's just a cruel crime"

"So cruel" Jin shook his head "I would never think of killing someone, but him- just no"

"It makes my skin crawl" Taehyung rubbed his hands "Goosebumps"

"Did he burn the body to death or was the person already dead?" Namjoon asked

"We don't know yet" Yoongi sighed "Gosh, who would even think of killing a human being"

"In such a gruesome way"  Hoseok made a disgusted face 

"Does that person even have a conscience? I know it's eating him up alive" Taemin shook his head

"Oh shut it, we have no such thing as a conscience" Yoongi chuckled

"That's great. Keep that face and act; don't mention anything too specific. Only what was said on the news" Jinyoung chuckled

They all laughed as Jimin looked completely lost

"I zoned out for a minute, I only caught onto the end" Jimin laughed hesitantly 

"We could see that" 




"Mr. Park" they came in without knocking "We have been informed that you know what happened to the cremated body"

"What body?" Jimin got up, looking at Jinyoung's partner

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