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AUTHOR'S NOTE- Leave if you are gonna hate on this book or the author because I do not take negative energy. THIS IS ONLY FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES


"It seems the bad scenarios have this almost addicting quality as if I enjoy sustaining those terrible thought patterns."

"Perhaps this is because they are more exciting"


"How are you a mafia leader" Hoseok chuckled.

"Are you underestimating me?" Jimin asked, getting offended

"Well, we would like an explanation."

"Oh, come on, Jin, I just got back. At least let me finish eating," Jimin complained.

"No, we want it now, "Hoseok said, folding his arms. "Start talking bitch boy."

"Who the fuck are you calling bitch boy" Jimin shouted as he got up, ready to pounce.

"Sit your ass down, Jimin," Jin said, him too standing up.

"Yes appa, sorry appa" the only person that phases Jimin would definitely be Jin.

"So go ahead."

"Okay. So we all know that every summer since I've known you guys, I always travel and my excuse is always, 'I've gone to visit my father,' well it was partially the truth. My father is the biggest mafia leader in Japan. My mom and I moved back to Seoul because my father didn't want us to be in danger. Which wasn't a problem because he kept us very well hidden." He paused for a moment. "My father got sick earlier last year, and since I'm his only son, I was chosen to be the one to take over. I was trained every day. It was hard at first, and I wanted to give up. I became depressed and frustrated, and I uh" he then turned to Taehyung.

"I'm sorry, I really am," he sighed. "My father has been prepared for this moment since I was 10 years old. He gathered teenagers and trained them to become the best for when I take over. Yoongi, my right-hand man, and a guy you do not want to mess with, Namjoon, a hacker, and Jungkook, a sniper. We all met at a young age, each of us being minors, and we trained together. When I became overwhelmed with all my training and frustrated, I had sex with Jungkook many times without thinking. And I'm not gonna make up an excuse for you to forgive me; you really don't have to forgive me, I don't earn one. But please understand that I was being pressured every day, being pushed to death, in danger every second, having fights, killing spree, a lot of unimaginable stuff, and not to mention, my father was dying, no chance of life." Of course, Jimin couldn't read his facial expressions; he was emotionless

"So you left a note, saying don't cheat, saying you'll come back and explain everything, making me feel guilty if I even spare a glance at a next man, to find out you did the opposite," Taehyung said, "How the fuck is that fair" he shouted standing far away from Jimin.

"It isn't fair" Jimin looked down on his lap. "I really am sorry."

"At least he didn't lie about it," Hoseok said jokingly.

"Not the time Hoseok!" Taehyung then turned his back to the others. "Do you still love me, Jimin?"

"Of course I do, I never stopped, and I don't plan on stopping. You are my first love, the one I want to be with for the-"

"I'm having a hard time believing that"


"Jimin, we only have 30 minutes left before they find out where you are; we gotta move" Jungkook came bursting into the house, leaving the other 3 wonderings who this man was

"Jungkook, I'm in the middle of something."

"Wow, you even brought him here," Taehyung scoffed. "How much do you want to hurt me? Do you want to bend him over and fuck him in front of me too?"

"Ah, so this is Taeh-"

"I don't want to hear my name coming from your disgusting mouth."

"Okay, right now, I know you are mad atm-"

"Mad?!" He gasped. "Oh no, I'm not mad; I just want to kill you, that's all," Taehyung huffed. "Pshh mad, who's mad."

"Okay, I know you want to kill me, but can you kill me on our way to my home" He then looked around. "Well, my other home."

"No, I am not coming," Taehyung muttered.

"Heck yeah, let me go pack my bag" Hoseok jumped up as he ran upstairs.

"Why" Jin finally started talking.

"Because, even though I came to Seoul to reunite with you guys, you are all in danger. I'll explain it when you guys are in a safe place, but right now we gotta go, NOW."

"I rather die than go with you," Taehyung said, turning to the others. "What you did, is awful already, and I hate you. I don't even want to look at you. I don't even know if I want this relationship anymore" Taehyng turned his back, trying to hide his sniffles. "So no, I will not come with you."

"I wish I didn't have to do this, but you are so fucking stubborn," Jimin said softly as he walked to the younger.

"Stay away from me, Jimin" The elder didn't listen and continue strutting to him.  As he finally reached Taehyung, he hugged him.

"I'm so sorry, and I love you so much, but"He then hit the younger with the gun making him fall unconscious.

"Let's go, people," he said. "Jungkook, can you please carry Taehyung to the car."

"Jimin," Jin called out. 

"Yes," he walked over.

"I'm disappointed in you; I never expected that my innocent chim could do all of this. It's like you are a different person from the one we know to the world" Jimin was about to say something. 

"I understand why you had to leave and why you kill," he stopped "well, no, I don't know why you kill, but I understand everything else" he paused for a moment. 

"And Taehyung will forgive you and understand everything that you did, and the cheating part," he sighed.

 "I should beat your ass for that. Whatever that you were going through didn't give you a right to cheat. Nothing gives you a right to cheat, it's just straight-up wrong, what you did, and I forgive you, but it's not my place to do the forgiving. You need to redeem yourself. Get Taehyug to trust you again." he continued.

"I don't think Taehyung is gonna throw away the relationship. He loves you; he really does. He was the only one that continued to look for you. He cried every day about you, to the point he blamed himself for your departure. He might not want to talk to you for a while, but just" he sighed for the umpteenth time.

"Just give him some space" he went upstairs, passing Hoseok, who was coming down the stairs with a big bag, smiling as he skipped out the door.

'I can never do anything right,' Jimin thought. 'I should have just killed myself when I had the chance.'


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