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AUTHOR'S NOTE- Leave if you are gonna hate on this book or the author because I do not take negative energy. THIS IS ONLY FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES


"Mr. Park!" 


"We won't be doing the normal examination this time. But instead, we will be examining you for a month, filming you in every session; okay?"


"Let's get started"


"Park Jimin, you fucking bastard" Taehyung then received a hit to the head "Ow," he looked to see Jin looking at him in a very scolding way. "Sorry, appa."

They've always called him appa since he technically raised them when their parents would go on business trips, and that was regularly. 

"Yes, Taehyung-ah" Jimin came from behind the stage of the auditorium. They just graduated, not too long ago, and suddenly Jimin was nowhere to be found.

"Where were you? I was looking for you everywhere. You had hobi Hyung worried sick, and you know how he gets." 

"Sorry, someone called me to the gym for something, but I'm back now. Let's go go go," He said as he dragged onto both Taehyung's and Jin's arm. They went into the hallway searching for their little ray of sunshine when they were greeted by him hugging his sister.

"I'm gonna miss you."

"I know, but I'll be back before you know it. Take care, and don't, for the love of God, don't burn down the house," she chuckled.

"Aish, Wheein, just go," Hoseok said as he pushed his sister down the hallway and turned to the boys.

"Oh finally, you found Chim, now let's go. "Hoseok skipped down the hallway to the doors, with the others shaking their heads, wondering how he has this much energy.


"Guys, my birthday is coming up in like a week, and I won't even get to celebrate it with you guys," he said, hugging the pillow and throwing himself on the ground of Jimin's room, whining like a bitch

"Get up, hobi, you are gonna hurt yourself," Jimin whispered, but loud enough for them to hear.

"It's hobi hyung for you bitch- OW what the-" he didn't finish his sentence, knowing he'll probably get hit again. He got up and went onto the bed, rolling onto Taehyung, who was reading a book.

"Oh c'mon, you dork, you just finished school, please put the book down."

"Shhh, I want to know what will happen next. Do you mind?"

"Indeed I do mind Tae, you are a nerd an-" Hobi was cut off by Taehyung flipping him over, Taehyung now on top of him.

"Shut up, will you, or I will lay down on you and not care about you and oxygen." 

"Oh please bitch boy, if you wanted to rail me, you could have just said that," Hoseok replied with a smirk, which left Jin and Jimin rolling on the ground. This was literally an everyday occurrence. Jimin couldn't care less because he trusted his boyfriend, and Hoseok was a hoe hoe hoe.

"Oh fuck you" Taehyung rolled off of him.

"Wasn't that the plan, lover boy?" he asked, pinching Taehyung cheek; he got up and straddled Jimin. "Besides, your boyfriend has better manners, which radiates big dick energy, right Jimin."

"Get off of me, you horny mother trucker," Jimin muttered, pushing him off.

"For the love of God, Jimin, it's motherfucker. Say it with me, Mother. Fucker. Come on, baby boy Moth- Ow Jin." 

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