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AUTHOR'S NOTE- Leave if you are gonna hate on this book or the author because I do not take negative energy. THIS IS ONLY FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES

NOTE- whatever hacking shit I wrote in this chapter is bullshit... :)


"Aren't you wondering why you keep reading two quoted sentences at the beginning of every chapter?"

"Ahh; don't worry about it"


"Jimin, I need your help with something," Yoongi barged into the room. All three boys were butt naked under the sheet, sleeping.

"Wake your ass up."

"Yoongi, I'm sleeping," Jimin mumbled.

"I don't remember asking."

"Uh guys," Taehyung sat up, pulling the sheet over him, "I'm naked."

"Good to know," Jungkook said as he dragged Taehyung to cuddle him

"But Yoongi is in the room."

"I don't give a fuck if you are naked or if the room reeks of sex," Yoongi said. "I'm here for Jimin."

"Yoongi, just give me a moment," Jimin groaned. "Let me find some clothes first."

"Don't worry" He throws sweatpants and a shirt at Jimin. "Now get dressed and meet me downstairs."

"Fuck off," Jimin groaned as he got out of bed. He took up the sweatpants and slipped them on before entering the bathroom to brush his teeth.

He looked at his reflection. His cheeks were puffy, his eyes doe. His neck was full of purple marks, marking him all the way down to his abdomen.

He smiled as he started getting flashbacks from last night.

"A hoodie will do just well," he mumbled as he threw the shirt in his closet and took one of Jungkook's hoodies.

"Is something wrong with your hoodies?"

"No," Jimin mumbled

"Then why take mine?" Jimin smiled

"Because whatever is yours is automatically mines" He walked over to the bed and kissed him. "And whatever is mine is not yours, so don't even try." 

"You little brat," Jungkook grabbed his waist, drawing him back onto the bed, his body collapsing on his "I should fuck you right here, right now."

"No, can do" Jin walked into the room and dragged Jimin off him. "We need him to walk, at least for today," he said as he exits the room with Jimin by his side.

"Thank you, hyung," Jimin chuckled.

"I didn't do you a favor. We actually need you for something important."

"What is it," Jimin asked as he entered the kitchen

"Somo stopped; she is in Japan," Yoongi replied with

"That's great. So what's the problem?"

"I can't hack into the hotel she is in," Namjoon mumbled.

"Hacking into hotels is easy though, hyung."

"I know that, but the database won't let me," He grumbled. "It's a bitch"

"Step aside" Jimin sat on the counter and took Namjoon's laptop. "And I thought you were supposed to be the guy with the 148 IQ."

Jimin looked up the hotel's information for about a good 10 minutes before sighing.

"Hyung, did you at least do any research on the protocol they use?" He asked him

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