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I pulled the blanket tighter around me and went to sit up, only to feel an arm tighten around me. 


But only for a moment.

Before relaxing as i realized it was Theo. 

With another motion of movement he finally released me as he too awoke. 

Silence for just a few moments. 

"I have to go get ready for a meeting this afternoon." I smiled at him as i folded the blanket and set it down on the edge of the sofa. 

"Me too actually, but i'm going to go grab some coffee before." Theo mentioned as I found my shoes by the door. 

"Oh would it be alright if i joined you?" It wasn't until after i asked that the worry of him saying no hit, and it was short lived. 

"No of course not!" He put on his shoes as well and ran a hand through his hair and with both of us checking our appearances quickly in the mirror by the door we were off down the street.

The coffee shop was just down the block, and muggle, though i tried to hide my shock. 

Theo handled the whole endeavor far more proficiently than  I expected and i found myself chastising myself for even thinking that he would be incapable of it. 

Despite my grumblings he had insisted that he pay for my coffee, and i had a feeling it might've been mostly so he didn't have to deal with giving too large of a bill for only his drink, so i allowed it. 

"Its getting colder." I said zipping my jacket as we stepped out onto the sidewalk, to go cups in hand. 

"Definitely. Maybe this year we can actually enjoy Christmas." He laughed and i followed before stopping short. 

It was then that I realized that Theo had gone home to that big empty manor every year for Christmas. No wonder he hated it. Even with Voldemort breathing down our necks every year, Harry, Ron, and I had found a way to make Christmas enjoyable. 

I had trouble fathoming a way it could be enjoyable to spend Christmas with a father who forced you to get a dark mark in a house so empty the echoes lasted hours. 

"I am sure we will." I said after a moment. 

"I have some meetings to attend to but, i might need some help unpacking the library... if you're interested?" 

"I'd love to, owl me later for the time." I said with a smile, and with a small nod i left to apperate out of the nearest alley. 

- - - - - 

"You have to understand my apprehension of your story." Kingsley said folding his hands in front of him on his desk, "But, everything is clearly in order." He adjusted some papers in the folder in front of him. 

"And i am acquainted with Mr. and Mrs. Zabini. Since our school years. They have always been the type of folks to hold their secrets close to the chest." He continued. 

"And because of all of this i would love to oblige your request." 

Anxiety leaked into my brain as i realized that this would mean i was truly facing the press.

If Kingsley has said no, i would have had a valid reason for staying in the shadows and i guess a small part of me wanted that. 

But soon all of these emotions were overpowered by my longing for peace, peace i could only gain by making my final push through chaos. Not physical peace, internal peace. 

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