Fairytales We Are Not.

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"So... it's on a disk inside of this?" Theo shook the box slightly forcing me to stifle a chuckle and grab his hand to stop him. 

"Yes but don't... don't shake it you'll scratch it." He looked at me curiously.

"I'll... why does it matter if it's scratched?" He looked down at the case in his hand. 

"Well. Okay this is not my area of expertise i don't exactly know how it works. But it's like.... well you know how a record has grooves in it that play music?" He nodded his understanding, "There are very tiny tiny tiny groovs on the disk that play the movie." It was a poor explanation but he seemed to think it acceptable for the moment. 

"So what kind of movies can you watch then?" He stood in the middle of the aisle staring around him at the wide variety of movies in tiny plastic cases. 

"Oh- there are all kinds." I moved swiftly and found a few that seemed enjoyable. 

"There is horror movies, and well you've got to watch at least one i guess. I love them... well i used to love them. And there are action movies with- oh well i would guess you don't know much about guns but their pretty thrilling. Oh you've got to see James Bond!" I turned quickly and plucked another one off the shelf, "And of course there is Romance but i don't know how much you would like it. And there are Disney movies, their all fantasy- like Peter Pan!" I yanked a few of those off the shelves as well, my arms suddenly full. m

"Lets go then- looks like we're going to have a lot to get thorugh." Theo laughed as we checked out, him bitter that i wouldn't let him pay. 

"Oh come on," I whispered once we had exited the shop, "You don't handle muggle money properly anyways." 

He only scowled a little, "I could've figured it out." 

"Oh don't be grumpy," i said looping my arm through his, "Think of it as my Christmas present to you- sorry that it's late." 

He seemed to brighten at that, "Alright i can accept that." 

We walked down an alley and after checking for watchers by, we disappeared with a crack. 

"You always seem a little nervous when you apperate." Theo said gently as he unlocked his door. 

I stayed quiet for a moment, i had really been trying to get better at hiding that. 

"Guess I've never gotten quiet used to it."I lied, shrugging off my coat to hang on a hook by the door. 

"Mari..." He said with a soft glance, not believing me for a moment. 

"Ron... when we were on the run... he got splinched when we apparated too quickly once. I guess i always get worried now." I felt embarrassed like a child afraid of getting hurt, i was a grown women i should trust the abilities of myself and those around me. 

"Well- you're an amazing witch and i wouldn't let anything happen to you ever. But, it's okay to be worried. Its what makes us human." He took the bag from me and lead me into the living room where he had already set up the tv and DVD player. 

"You got it set up?" 

"It took me a lot of work and reading manuals and flooing back and forth between houses, and....." He trailed of slightly. 

"And?" I prompted

"Maybe i owled Ginny to ask her what the hell to do, and she had to ask her dad and the combination of all of that got me here...I'm resourceful you know. Besides i did take muggle studies. We just didn't talk about setting up electronic equipment." A bashful blush crept onto his face.

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