There Is So Much We Need To Tell You

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Hermione was confused.

More than confused.


After all is was not everyday a girl goes through so much.

Life seemed altogether confusing and worrying. ( which was not out of the usual for anyone)

But Hermione was lost.

Lost in a rough sea of questions and worries.

Being tossed back and forth so many times she didn't know exactly which way was up.

She wanted to feel safe.

She didn't know if she trusted these people.

She felt like an eleven year old again.

Being given information she didn't know what to do with, too many questions left unanswered. There where far too many things that needed to be done, but she couldn't, at this moment, pin point exactly what they were.

Everything was so new and and strange.

These people though.

They said they loved her and this was something she needed , she could hardly remember the last time she felt honest to god safety but for some reason she did here.

"I don't know what to think.", was the only sentence she could conjure up.
It came out as a whisper barley audible.

"There is so much we need to tell you." The women said touching her hand to the top of her head.

"There is no good place to start. So I guess we should start at the beginning." the women spoke again.

"We were young- probably too young to be making important decisions just like  you are now." The woman fiddled with her hands in her lap.

"Everything was fine for a while. We grew laughing- smiling,and pretending there wasn't an impending war looming right over our heads. Of course life was difficult, and by the time we graduated Hogwarts, there was no ignoring what was going on around us.

My parents, your fathers also, tried to keep us neutral-at first at least- but my grandfather would have none of that. He spent months convincing my parents that it was the correct decision-and by the time he was on his death bed- they had decided that it would be a good decision to be on the right side of this war.

He died a few weeks after we graduated- he was quite old and it was expected- and that was when my parents decided it would be best to join. Of course I knew it would be useless to fight. If I tried to leave I would only be found. If I tried to resist I would only be forced. If I tried to argue- it would be one sided. But I also knew something else- I knew that I loved your father. And that I would do all of those things if it meant a sickle of a chance.

I talked to him only to find his parents were forcing him in two different directions. His mother -ready to join for family safety and preservation. His father, deciding that none of that would matter if they threw away their morals, was ready to fight. Ultimately his father left and was found dead a few months after his mother joined. Bringing your father, his sister and his brother with her. My parent joined- me along with them. They were looking for the experienced and the youthful.

Your father and I agreed that we would make it through everything- together. It was alright for a while- we lost friends.
Loved ones.
But we trudged onward.
And it seemed as though everything would be fine- or as fine as it could be.

Until I found out that I was pregnant.

In any other scenario I would have been overjoyed. But I knew what this meant. It meant life would get more complicated very quickly.

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