"Seventh Year": Winners and Losers

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Blaise's POV

Draco and I stood in the same room.

Simply staring at each other.

The old days of playing Quidditch outside until the late hours of the night where gone.

In the old drafty house voices seemed to echo.

    Screams funneled through the vents. I can't deacribe which is worse.
The screaming that thay rattled you teeth,
The deafening silence that followed.

I knew where she was, we all did.
With Potter.
Trying to find The Dark Lord's  horcroxes.
(Spelled that wrong sorry)

Every time they brought more people, I prayed to god for one thing... that it wasn't her. That she wasnt there.

I dont know how I would handle it if she was. Of all the people in out year she could end up friends with it had to be Potter and Weasley.

Another scream echoed through the manor. The suddenly, silence.

As Draco and I shared the same expression. That is to say we didnt have one.
Our faces where blank. Untouched by expression.
The one emotion that out faces held was the icy glare that shot from both of our eyes.

Wherever she is, I hope she is safe.


Hermione's POV

I helped Fleur zip the back of her long white dress.

"You look beautiful." I said as she turned around her face still straight.

"Thank you." She said smiling a small smile.

"Someday," she began while grabbing my hand, "you will have a wedding as grand or as simple as you want. And you will look more beautiful than me on your wedding day." She dropped my hand let out a humorous huff.
"Now if only ve could vind a suitable vate for you." Her thick ftench accent clear.

I scoffed.

"'Mione," she said attempting my name.
"You zill zind a nice young suitable handsome, man or woman I don't care. Zhey zill make you just as happy and Bill makes me and they zill have scars in zheir past just as ze all do, some a little bigger than others." She cocked her head to the side. "But, you zill find that scars and mistakes make us who ze are, but do not zind us to a path or determine our future."  She smiled at me and pulled me into a hug to rival Mrs Weasley's.


As the lynx patronus disappeared, I knew what it meant. I quickly learched forward and grabbed Harry and Ron's hands. Then, without telling them I apparated.

No where was safe.


I heard crunching outside the tent darting up I ran outside the tent, only then realizing I had no wand.

But soon I realized I didn't need one at the moment.

He turned around.

"Why are you all wet?" I asked

Before he could answer I saw something that made my blood boil.

Ron gave a sheepish smile.

He had the nerve to come back after he left, for weeks!
He just thought he could come waltzing back into our quest.
That ignorant little prat.

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