so many people.

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We descended the stairs toward the crows below to the tune of a nondescript orchestral piece. Light and floaty with some booming bass notes. And ignoring the butterlfies in my stomache i chose to focus instead on smiling, pushing my shoulders back, and not falling down the stairs. 




As faces came into view I searched for Ginny among the faces. I hope she would make it. I hadn't ever heard back from my mother on if she had gotten an answer. 

There nestled among all of the faces was her head of fiery red hair, and though she remained shocked she smiled. I was comforted by the familiarity of her presence. 

We reached the bottom of the stair case and i saw Theo. He was leaning over to say something to Draco who nodded before the both smiled toward the four of us. 

We walked through the parted crowd toward the front of the ball room where my father stood with my mother at his side. 

"May i present Blaise Xavier Ariel Zabini and Mariella Lucianna Zabini." He spoke in a booming voice and we bowed as there was a soft round of clapping. 

Music began to play again, and Charlie gently bowed and asked for my hand to dance. 

Then there we were. Swaying gently to the sound of violins and cellos. Harps and violas. 

Attempting to ignore the feeling of hundred of eyes on us. 

"This will be fine as long as i dont step on your foot." I joked attempting to lighten the mood. 

"Sure you can make jokes, but im sure your father would kill me if i embarrassed either of us. Only if my father didnt get there first." The words came out weirdly serious and i got the feeling that Charlie was too nervous to try and joke around at the moment. 

The music ended, and after another boy we were allowed to break away and talk to the people who had been waiting to talk to us. 

A few couples took to the dancefloor and began to dance as Blaise made eye contact with me as a short man with a large mustache came over to pull me into a conversation. 

"How wonderful it is to finally meet you. I mean of course you hear rumors but you never really know but I well, I always had a feelings. I was quite sure actually. Just didnt want to say anything and offend you parents. But i always knew deep down." The man began speaking without introducing himself. 

"Oh how rude of him," his wife butted in, she was short as well but had her hair up in a beehive so large i wondered how she kept it on her head. "Im Lucinda Grenwitch, and this is my husband Ralph." She stuck her hand out and i shook it with a smile. 

"So dear what have you been doing all of these year? Where have you been?" 

"Oh ive been in school. Just like everyone. Education is so important." I said diplomatically. 

"Oh yes, I've always said so? Haven't I Ralph?" Lucinda spoke hurriedly. 

"Yes she is always going on and on about how education is such an important aspect of a child's up bringing. We have one son ourselves. Cornelius. A lovely boy, and few years older than yourself, he's around here somewhere we just have to introduce you two."

"Oh yes id love to meet him, im sure ill see him around tonight. It was so lovely to meet you two, please enjoy the party." I said while turning back around only to find that Blaise seemed to be stuck in a similar conversation. 

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