Authors Note IMPORTANT

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Hey readers,

So I've been writing this book since 2015. It's been in a long journey and i appreciate those who have stayed on this road with me for this long. I recently realized that i had no idea how to end this book. It's been in the words for literally six years. But after fiddling around i finally found the ending I am happy with. 

I know that it seems weird for this to come to an end, I have spent so long writing this and part of me thinks that it will be strange to not have this book as outlet for everything i am feeling at various points in my life. 

But every good thing must come to an end. 

So sadly i must say that the next chapter will be the last. 

I can't express how surreal writing this has been. I began writing this as an outlet for an idea i had and i was truly astonished to find that so many people enjoyed it as well. Every one of you means so much to me. 

If you would like more of my writing I encourage you to check out my other books on my profile! I would love any of the support you guys are willing to offer. And i hope i have been able to fill a spot in your heart with contentment as we draw this journey to a close. Also i have a new Dramione book in the works, i know there was alot of uproar when this book decidedly went Theomione instead BUT this one should be very good.

If there is any interest in a sequel please tell me, I've got some ideas but i would really love to know how you would all feel about it!

Thank you  for coming on this amazing journey with me.  

Without further ado, the last chapter of the Rediscovering Reality.

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