Chapter 12

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5 months later

Bella's pov

For 5 months now I have been patrolling the lands of la push trying to get my head straight and it's been working especially when my mum helps calm me when I get angry because I can't remember my life before I woke up on that couch 5 months ago and ever since then I can't help but think that apart of my life is missing and every time I ask my family about it they all just tell me to go phase and clear my head and I'm sick of it.

Today I am in my room on my computer researching the power of an alpha and what exactly they can do to a member a there pack but so far I've came up with nothing and so I get up from my computer chair and I walk over to my room door and I open it and I walk out it and I ran to the stairs and I ran down them and I ran into the living room only to see it was empty.

So I ran into the kitchen and I saw it was empty to and so I shouted mum, dad, Jacob, Rachel anyone but no one answered so I just went over to the fridge and I opened it and I took out some of last night dinner and I closed the fridge again and I went over to the microwave and I opened it and I put the food into it and then I closed the door and I pressed the start button and as I did the door bell rang.

Once I heard it I huffed and I walked over to the front door and I opened it and when I did I saw a man and 2 little girls standing there and the man gasped when he saw me and he said Bella is that you and I said what who are you and the man said I'm Edward Cullen your husband and I gasped and said what no I don't have a husband and Edward said yes you do you have a husband and 8 kids who have missed you terribly.

Then one of the little girls said momma it's me Nessie don't you remember and then the other girl said yeah momma come on you have got to remember me I'm Melody your youngest daughter remember and then all of a sudden with them talking I stranded to get memories flood through my head of the Cullen's, of Edward, of my kids, of me being a vampire and of me being pregnant.

So then I started crying and I jumped into Edwards arms and I said oh my god I am so glad you came back for me and Edward said wait you remember and I said yes yes I do you all brought the memories back and then both Nessie and Melody jumped into my arms and I caught them and I said my babies how could I forget you momma is so sorry.

Then Nessie said it's ok momma your back and I said yes I am baby girl and then I felt a change in myself again and Edward said Bella your eyes they are yellow again and I said oh god I'm so thirsty and Edward said yeah ok there is some blood in the car and I said thank you and I kissed Edwards lips and Melody said ew momma and I said what momma and daddy hasn't seen each other in a while.

So then all of a sudden after a while of talking I felt my stomach get big again and I heard Nessie gasp and she smiled and said momma the babies they are back and I looked down and saw my big belly and I smiled and said thank god I thought I lost them and Edward said not a chance and then I said so where are the others and the other kids.

Then Edward said oh Carlisle and Esme kept them in our house in Alaska they said it would be better that way incase something had happened to you and I said oh right ok and then Melody said momma can we go home now I don't like this smell and I laughed and said yes of course sweetie let's go and Edward wrapped an arm around my side to keep me up because of my stomach being so big.

So then we walked away from the house and I said wait I need to do something to them to let them know never to mess with me again and I summoned up my element power and I thought of fire and I looked at my parents house and then it set on fire and I just laughed and said there that should teach them and then me, Edward and the girls started walking again and kept walking until we got to Edwards car.

Then when we got to the cat Edward unlocked it and the girls got into the back of the car and I saw them put their belts on themselves and I smiled and then I saw Edward open the passenger door and he helped me into the car and I put myself onto the chair and then Edward put my belt on and I said thanks babe and Edward said your welcome and he put his hand into the car drawer and pulled out 3 bottles of animal blood and handed them to me.

So then I smiled and said I love you so much and Edward said yeah me to and then he closed the car door and went around to his side of the car and got inside and then he closed his door and he then started the car up and drove away from the reservation and away from la push and away from forks and he drove us home to our house in Alaska where I would see my family and my kids again.

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