Chapter 4

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Bella's pov

When we got near the Denali house I pulled the car into the side and I stopped the car about a half of a mile from the house so they wouldn't see us coming and I turned the car off and I took my belt off and I put my car keys the glove compartment and I turned to the girls and I said we have to walk from here because we can't take the chance of the coven thinking we are a threat ok girls and the 3 of them said ok momma.

Then Macy said momma what about our bags and I said they will have to stay in the car until we know if the Denali's are friendly or not and Macy said ok momma and then I said ok let's go and so my girls all took their seat belts off and opened their car door and I opened mine to and then me, Melody, Macy and Millie all got out of the car and and we all took hands and started walking through the woods to get to the Denali house.

So when we got to the house we ran up to the door and I knocked on it and I looked at the girls and I said ok girls now this coven might be friends with your father but it doesn't mean they know were his coven is ok and the girls said yes momma and then the front door opened and I saw a man standing there with yellow eyes and he said yes how may I help you.

So I said well I'm looking for the Cullen's and my husband Edward always said if we need to find them to come to your coven and so here we are and the man said wait your Bella and I said yes and these are my daughters Melody, Macy and Millie and the man said hi nice to meet you and Macy said do you know where daddy is and the man said yes in fact I do come in and I'll get him on the phone and the girls all started jumping up and down smiling.

Then I laughed and the 4 of us walked into the house with the man following behind and we went into a living room and the man told us to sit down and so me and my girls all sat down on the couch and the man said I'm Eleazar and my family is out hunting at the minute but I'll go ahead and phone Carlisle ok and I said yes please thank you so much and Eleazar said no problem and pulled out his phone and started ringing the number.

So then he put the phone to his ear and on the 4th ring the phone picked up and I heard Carlisle say hello my dear friend what can we do for you and Eleazar said no my friend it's what I can do for you and Carlisle said what do you mean and Eleazar said well just a few moments ago a woman with 3 little girls came into my home and said that Edward told her to come here if she needed to find you.

Then I heard Carlisle gasp and said Bella she's there and then I heard Edward in the background but Carlisle shut him up and then Eleazar said yes friend she is and she is well and so is the girls but she looks like she's been through hell her and the girls and Carlisle said Eleazar tell her we will be there in 2 hours time and that her boys can't wait to meet their mother and sisters.

So I smiled when he said that and I saw Eleazar looking at me and he said into the phone I think she already knows and Carlisle said keep them safe until we get there because there is a lot of people after her because of the kids even her family and Eleazar said no problem and then Carlisle hung up and I said to the girls daddy is coming in 2 hours time and the girls all smiled and hugged me and said we love you mom and I said I love you to all of you.

Then Millie said momma do you think we will see Nessie and Anna again and I said hugging the girls oh babies I hope so I really hope so and then Eleazar said Bella why don't you and the girls go get some rest and I'll come get you when the Cullen's are here and I said yeah ok thanks where do we go and a woman walked into the living room and said take the girls and yourself upstairs and into the first door on the right and I smiled and said yeah thanks.

So Eleazar said Bella this is my wife Carmen and I said hi nice to meet you I'm Bella and they are my daughters Melody, Macy and Millie and Carmen said nice to meet you we will call you when the Cullen's are here and I said ok thanks and then me and my girls all walked upstairs and went into the room on the right and went over to the bed and the 4 of us all cuddled up and fell to sleep waiting on the Cullen's to come.

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