Chapter 3

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Bella's pov

By the time we got to Alaska the kids were asleep and it was 10pm so I knew it wasn't late for them since they are vampires but I knew it was late for the girls so I said to myself that I would  wait until tomrrow to see the Denali coven so I drove us to a hotel and I parked my car and I turned around to the girls and I said ok girls wake up and it took them a few minutes but they woke up and Macy said momma are we here.

So I said no baby we will sleep in this hotel and we will go to the Denali's place tomorrow and Millie said no but momma and I said no no fighting with me we are all tired and we are sleeping tonight ok and the 3 of my girls said ok momma and then Macy said momma can we just sleep in the car and I said you sure I can get us a room and Melody said no need momma we can sleep in the car and I said ok fine we will sleep in the car now go back to sleep and the girls nodded their heads and lied back down and fell back to sleep and then I turned the car off and then I lied back in my chair and went to sleep myself.

Once I woke up the next day I looked around and saw the girls where still sleeping so I sat up in my chair and I was so thristy and I knew the girls could last longer without blood and I knew it would be to dangerous to leave them in the car on their own so I look around and I knew I was going to have to drink human blood because I was so thristy I can hardly keep myself from draining my girls at the minute so I looked around the hotel and I saw a man, woman and child go into a hotel room and I knew it was wrong but it was the only way.

So o I opened the car door and I got out of the car and I shut my car door again and I locked the car to keep the girls safe and I ran to the hotel room and I busted the door open and all I heard was screaming from the man, woman and kid but I didn't care I ran at the man and I grabbed his neck and bit down on it and I drained him and then he fell to the floor and I looked at the woman with blood dripping from my mouth and I ran at her and grabbed her body and pulled her to me and I bit down on her neck and as I did she screamed but I ignored her and I drank the lovely tasty blood from her neck and then she fell to the floor.

Then I smiled and wiped the blood from my mouth and I looked over at the child and he was so scared but I walked towards him and he backed up to the wall but I just said hey it's ok I'm not going to hurt you and the young boy said what happened to mama and papa and I said they are dead and I killed them and the boy said what are you and I said me and my family are vampires and we drink blood human or animal and I usually drink animal but I was so hungry that I couldn't resist and the boy said are you going to kill me.

So then I said what age are you and the boy said I'm 7 years old and I said what's your name and the boy said Billion and I said ok then Billion I won't kill you but I don have to make you forget what has happened here ok and Billion said yes ok and then I looked into the boys eyes and I used my compelling power and I said you will forget you know of vampires and you will forget I killed your parents and the boy said I will forget you are a vampire and I will forget you killed my parents and I said good boy and then I ran out of the room and I shut the door behind me.

Then I took my over top off and through it into the trash and I ran back to my car and I unlocked it and got into the car and I put my belt back on and I saw my girls were awake and Millie said momma where were you and I said I went for a walk while you girls were still sleeping and Macy said momma can we go to the Denali's now and I smiled and I said of course we can and I looked at Melody in the mirrow above me.

So I said is it still ok for us to go to the Denali's and Melody looked into the future and she smiled again and said yes momma yes everything will be ok we can go now and I said good and then I started the car again and I drove out of the car park space and then drove out of the car park and I drove to the Denali's house where hopfully sometime soon me and the girls will see the rest of our family my husband, my boys and the others and I just hope that little Renesmee and Annabel are ok and haven't been killed by the fucking Volturi.

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