Chapter 5

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Bella's pov

When I woke up this morning I saw I was still ramped in my girls grip and they were still asleep so I tried to unwrap myself from their grips and when I did I got up off of the bed and I saw that our clothes from our car was on the ground and so I smiled and I was happy that the girls would have clean clothes to meet their family and so I went over to the bag.

Then I opened it and I pulled out a dress and so then I took yesterday's clothes off and I put the dress on and I grabbed some pumps from the bag and I put them on and then I zipped the bag up again and I walked out of the room and made my way downstairs as quietly as I could so that I wouldn't wake the girls up because I wanted them to sleep more so that I don't get their hopes up if the Cullen's don't come.

So when I got downstairs I walked into the living room and I saw Carmen and Eleazar on the couch talking so I walked up to them and I said the Cullen's here yet and they both looked at me and Eleazar said yeah they arrived 3 hours ago but they knew you and the girls were asleep so they said they were going hunting and that they would be back soon.

Then I said oh ok good and thank you for getting our bags from our car and Carmen said your welcome we knew you would want clean clothes to change into and I said yeah thank so where is the rest of your family then Eleazar said oh um Tanya, Kate, Irina and Garret all went exploring the world about 2 years ago and haven't come back yet and that's what makes us think something has happened but we aren't sure.

So I said oh ok well if you need help saving them from someone I would be glad to help and Eleazar said how how can you help and I said well I'm a power stealer and I have over 100 powers which means I'm really powerful and can take down anyone who comes at me or my family and Carmen said oh my we have never met a power stealer before.

Then I said yeah I know I don't think anyone has ever meet a power stealer and then Eleazar said what else can you do and I said well don't freak when I tell you this but I am also a wolf and both Carmen and Eleazar gasped and Eleazar said so that's what the awful smell is and I said yeah it is and then Carmen said do you have a pack and I got so sad when she mentioned my pack.

So I said yes but they abandoned me when they found out I had the kids and I haven't saw them since and Carmen said oh I'm so sorry Bella and I said it's ok honestly because I have the Cullen's and my kids now I don't need my pack and my brother they can go stuff themselves and Eleazar said Bella we didn't mean to upset you and I said it's ok you didn't and then I heard the front door open and I looked up and I saw 10 people walk through the door and I gasped and smiled.

Then I said your really here and Edward said I'm here babe I really am and I laughed and ran over to Edward and jumped into his arms and I kissed him and said I missed you so much and Edward said I've missed you to baby and then I let go and I looked at the other Cullen's and smiled and I said I have really missed you all and both Carlisle and Esme pulled me into a hug and both said we are so glad to have you back Bella.

So I said I'm so glad to and then I looked at Alice and Jasper and I said good to see you again and Alice screamed and pulled me over and made me hug her and Jasper and I laughed and Alice said finally we can go shopping again and now we can shop with the girls too and I said yeah I'm sure they would be happy to go shopping with their auntie and Jasper said I'm glad your back Bella.

Then I said yeah I'm glad to and then I looked over to Rosalie and Emmett and I smiled and walked over to them and Emmett pulled me in for a hug and said it's good to have you back little sis and I said yeah you too big bro and then Rosalie just stood there and said Bella I'm sorry for the way I acted before you left and I said look don't worry about it Rosalie I'm just glad to finally have you all back and for us to be together to fight together.

So then Edward grabbed my hand and said always Bella always and I said thanks Edward I love you so much and Edward said I love you to sweetheart and then I looked over to the side and I saw 3 boys about the girls age and I gasped and said Mason, Anthony, EJ is that you and the boys started crying and ran over to me and hugged me so tight and the 3 of them said momma we are so glad to finally meet you we really missed you.

Then I kissed each of them on the cheeks and said I've missed you to and I regretted leaving you the second I did and Mason said it's ok momma we know you did it for us daddy told us and I said well that's good I'm so happy to have you back in my life again and EJ said momma where are our sisters and I said oh they are still sleeping why don't you go upstairs and surprise them.

So the boys all smiled and said ok momma and ran upstairs and then I turned to the Cullen's and I said I need to tell you all something before the kids come back down and then the Cullen's all went over to the couch and sat down and I followed them and sat down because Edward and then Carlisle said what is it Bella what's wrong and I said ok well this is hard for me but when the girls were 2 years old the Volturi found us and they took Nessie and Anna from me.

Then the Volturi girl Jane said that keeping the children was a way of making me behave and not starting fights and the Cullen's all gasped and then Edward pulled me close to him and hugged me and said Bella we will get them back I promise you and I said thank you Edward and then Carlisle said Bella what powers do the girls have and I said well Melody can see the future and the past, Macy has a mental and physical shield, and Millie can teleport and Alice said Melody's power is just like my power.

So I said yes it is and that's what kept me sane all these years knowing I would find and see you all again and then Emmett said Bella what is your power and I said well I am a power stealer every vampire I touch I take their power but only the vampire still keep the power and I have over 100 powers including the girls powers and Esme said Bella you are really powerful and I said yes I am but I don't act like I am because we vampires find out they will use the kids against me and maybe even use Nessie or Anna and I won't like that happen.

Then Edward said Bella when was the last time you saw the Volturi and I said it was 4 years ago but the girls weren't with them and then Rosalie said Bella we will help you get them back you will get all your kids back and I smiled and said thanks Rosalie oh and speaking of kids what powers are the boys because I touch them and I connected with their powers but I went sure what powers they were.

So then Edward smiled and said well Mason has a shifting power he can shift into anyone or anything he wants and Anthony can move things with his mind and EJ is a maker he can think of something and make them appear and I said wow they are good powers and Edward said yeah they are and I said um this has nothing to do with what we were talking about but um Melody had a vision before we came here.

Then Alice said what was the vision Bella and I said well she had a vision that we would meet and everything was good a peaceful right up to the point were her visions went black and Alice gasped and said oh no and Jasper said what Alice what's wrong and Alice said I had that vision to and black visions only mean one thing the wolves there coming and the Cullen's all gasped.

So Carlisle said oh Bella and I looked at Edward and I said I don't want to deal with them Edward and Edward said ok babe I know we will leave before they get here we have a house about 5 hours from here and I said hugging Edward thank you Edward and Edward said your welcome baby we know how you feel about your old pack and I said yeah and then Esme said how long until they get here Alice.

Then Alice said they get here in 2 hours and Carlisle said alright let's go now and so I shouted upstairs Melody, Macy, Millie lets go now and so the girls ran downstairs with the boys behind them and gasped when they saw everyone and I said yes they are your family.

So then I pointed to their dad and said that is Edward your daddy and then I pointed to the boys and I said the boys that woke you up are your brothers Mason, Anthony and EJ but we need to go now and the girls said ok momma and then me and the Cullen's and my kids and Edward all left the house and went and got into the car and headed to the Cullen's house.

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