Chapter 8

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Bella's pov

When they came up to us I saw that Aro, Marcus, Caius, Jane, Alec, Felix and Demetri where all standing in front on us and behind them I saw 2 girls about my kids age and when they saw me and Edward they smiled and waved and I waved back and laughed feeling relieved that they were still alive and then Aro said hello my friends and Carlisle said hello Aro what brings you here.

So Marcus said oh I think you already know what brings me here and I said yeah I do you want me to join you and in exchange you won't kill Nessie and Anna and Aro said wow Bella you are a clever vampire and I said yeah well I'm more powerful to you want to see and so then I summoned Jane's power and I said pain and then the Volturi all fell to the ground in pain.

Then I shouted Nessie, Anna come over here please and so both girls smiled and ran over to me and Edward and Anna hugged me and Nessie hugged Edward and then once I knew they were safe I released the pain and the Volturi all stood up and Caius said wow you are powerful and that was smart what you did to get your girls back and I said yeah well I would do anything for my kids especially 2 who I haven't seen in years.

So Aro said yeah well now we will do this the hard way so Jane, Alec if you please and both Jane and Alec said of course master and they both used their powers but nothing happened and then I heard if you mess with my family you mess with me and I turned around and saw Macy standing there and she must of had her shield over me and our family and she walked up to me and Edward and smiled at Nessie and Anna.

Then Macy said its to have you back sisters and both Nessie and Anna said good to finally be back and then 2 girls let go of me and Edward and went over to Macy and hugged her and then Aro said wow a shield she is strong and then Macy said yeah I am now I suggest you go back home and never come back because my mom is more powerful than me.

So then Macy looked at me and said momma show them one of your powers and I said of course sweetie and then I thought of the element power and I thought of fire and I looked at Caius and then he went up in flames and he started screaming and all I could do was laugh and then I saw Jane and Alec putting the fire out and I said don't come back and don't mess with me or my family again or I will kill you all and the Volturi then ran off into the woods and then my family all smiled.

Then I looked at Nessie and Anna and I said I'm so glad to have you both back and I can't be any happier to see how pretty you are and both Nessie and Anna ran to me and hugged me and said momma we have missed you and I said I have to and no one is going to get any of you every again and I looked at Macy and I said sweetie are you brothers and sisters still awake.

So then Macy said shocked your not mad at me momma and I said I am angry enough to ground you but since you were helping us I will forget about it and then Macy said thank you momma and yes the others are awake and I said ok good take your sisters upstairs and introduce them to their brothers and sisters and then go to bed please and Macy said ok momma.

Then Nessie and Anna ran over to Edward and hugged him and said we missed you daddy and Edward said I missed you to kiddos and then Edward kissed Nessie and Anna and then the 2 girls went over to Macy and Anna said ok Macy let's go and Macy said ok sisters and then the 3 girls ran into the house and ran upstairs and then I heard Alice, Rosalie and Esme say the pregnancy it's working Bella we feel hungry for food not blood.

So I said ok that's good now Emmett, Jasper and Carlisle you need to be careful around your wives now and the only food they can eat is meat and the reason for that is because it's the closest thing to blood and the 3 boys said ok Bella and then the 6 of them all went into the house and then I looked at Edward and I said Edward I've got to go to the reservation to help the pack.

Then Edward said what Bella come on you just got Nessie and Anna back and your also pregnant can't this wait and I said look the faster I go the faster I'll be back just look after the kids and tell them I'll be back in 4 months and Edward said what no why so long and I said because baby it's not just going to be as simply as touching someone to bring my dad back and Edward said oh right ok babe sorry and I said it's ok sweetheart and then Edward kissed my lips and I kissed him back and then I removed my lips.

So then I said ok I'll see you all soon and I walked over to the car and I opened it and got inside and out my belt on and started the car up and drove away from the house and drove towards la push the reservation and didn't stop until I got there and because I was going back to the reservation I was probably going to have to phase in to my wolf to show my brother and the pack I'm still worthy of the pack.

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