Chapter Twenty

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After a good dinner and a better night's sleep, for Lan Wangji especially, the morning came quicker and Wei Wuxian woke up to Lan's time with Lan Wangji, ordering them breakfast before going out and buying a Chariot and a horse. Lan Wangji was reluctant to ride in the back while Wei Wuxian walked and led the horse.

"Out of the both of us, who do you think people will recognize the most, Lan Zhan?" Wei Wuxian challenged, and with that Lan Wangji let Wei Wuxian help him into the back and they were off to Gusu.

Days passed in a blur, they stopped once in a while in towns to eat or let Lan Wangji sleep in a comfortable bed, but always staying away from the busier side of town, in case Wen's were out and about the towns they were in. A week passed in a blur and they found themselves close to Yanmeng Jiang, but that's when Wei Wuxian was getting a bad feeling, and that's when he saw them.

A camp full of Wen's flags and red tents in an open field on the outskirts of Lotus Pier but distant enough to be out of reach, and the worst part is the fact it seems that they just left.

Hiding Lan Wangji farther into the forest far from the Wen's camp he made sure the Second Master of Gusu was comfortable before he was about to fly to Lotus Pier. However, Lan Wangji wasn't going to let him go without a fight. Holding onto his arm for the hundredth time after finding out that Wei Wuxian was going to storm inside of the Pier and hopefully save the Jiang family in time.

"Don't go, Wei Ying," he asks for the hundredth time.

"I have to do something, Lan Zhan." Wei Wuxian says for the hundredth time before pulling his arm free and using his recent full and spiritual energy to take off to the skies to the Lotus Pier.

The entire Pier was up in flames and everyone was screaming as the Wen's were slaughtering them. Leading the charge was Wen Chao and his bodyguard, the infamous Core Melting hand. Wei Wuxian knows this technique since it was he who created it to stop the most dangerous cultivators as a last resort, and now to see it used for evil purposes pissed Wei Wuxian off to no extent.

Taking out his flute, Chenging, and whispering to it, "Please my old friend, sing for me to help these people." before placing the flute to his lips and his eyes glowing red and he blows a haunting tune from within the instrument and resentful energy rolls right off of him and as spiritual energy leaves from the ground and dances in a duet with the resentful energy around his body.

With resentful energy, he rises the dead Wen's and Jiang's to help offend the remaining surviving disciples the Lotus Pier, and with the spiritual energy, he calls onto nature, water mostly, to knock down the incoming forces from the river sinking the Wen's boats to the bottom of the ravine. As he watches his work take place his eyes scheme around the bodies of Wen's and finds Wen Chao cowering in fear behind Wen Zhuliu.

Falling from the sky to land in front of him there was so much hatred for this Wen that Wen Chao was choking on it just at the sight of Wei Wuxian. Coming into an attack first, Wen Zhuliu came arm reach out aiming for Wei Wuxian's chest but blinding gold light came rocketing out of the ground stopping Wen Zhuliu in his tracks for a moment before he falls to his knees screaming in agony seemingly to melt on the spot until he was nothing but a poddy of mud at Wei Wuxian's boots.

"You see that young Wen?" Wei Wuxian asks pointing Chenging to the ground at Wen Chao's once bodyguard, "That is all you human's truly are, nothing but mud and dirt! You were all NOTHING until I MADE you into something and people like you take MY gift for guaranteed, but I can take it all AWAY!"

Wen Chao was shaking and Wei Wuxian could smell the piss off this boy who peed himself in front of Wei Wuxian. Falling to the ground with his head to the floor Wen Chao starts begging for his life but Wei Wuxian just laughs cruelly at this sick joke of a man, as he slaughtered many and now he begs for his own as if his life is worth more than the millions that died from his hands.

"We are far past begging now Young Wen. Now go join your brother in purgatory to never be reborn." Wei Wuxian raises Chenging above his head, "and don't worry, your father will be joining you shortly." before pointing Chenging down at Wen Chao giving him the same fate but worse, by fire and turning him into what he truly is, dirt.

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