Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Deciding that Wei Wuxian truly knows what he's doing Wen Qing and agrees to his terms. Wei Wuxian takes Wen Yuan to his home to one, meet Jiang Yanli who was speechless at the sight of his son, and two, telling bother her and Jiang Cheng, that he would be gone for a week and will be returning soon for them.

"Don't bother." Jiang Cheng growls. "I'd rather you just stay away."

Shaking his head Wei Wuxian says, "I know a way for you to gain your core again."

Jiang Cheng shot up in bed, "What did you say?"

"There is an immortal that roams the Earth, on the mountains of Yiling. He would have the power to restore your core." Wei Wuxian didn't lie.

"The Yiling Patriarch!" Jiang Cheng realized. "But why would he help me?"

"Because I know the Yiling Patriarch, I was one of his children that he saved." That was where Wei Wuxian lied, considering he's the rumored Yiling Patriarch.

"That's why your parents never found you because you were in the Yiling mountains with the Yiling Patriarch!" put pieces that were never there, together.

"I guess you could say that." Wei Wuxian decided to go along with it.

"Does that mean the reason that you stole the Yin Iron was to give it to your master?"

"The only one who can destroy it is the Yiling Patriarch, he was the one who made it and still regrets it to this day."

"When do we leave?" Jiang Cheng asks, finally sounding determined about something.

"Whenever I come back, which should be in a week, but you must gather your strength and eat what Shijie gives you." Wei Wuxian warns him, "Or you won't be strong enough to receive the core."

Leaving it at that, Wei Wuxian left the next day with every single Wen from the village and brought them down the mountain into Yiling, and into the burial grounds. "Or you insane?" Wen Qing demanded, "No one could survive this place!"

Wie Wuxian turns to smile at her, "It was once my home."

That shut her up from any more complaints remembering who was leading her family to safety. "How can we avoid the resentful energy and be able to live here?" It was Wen Ning who decided to ask.

"Leave that to me." Wei Wuxian assures him.

Once there Wei Wuxian asked them to go into the Grand Hall for their safety as Wei Wuxian got to work. Stomping his foot gold light came from the sky and shot high above the trees and it spread wide and wide like an enormous bubble that swallowed the entire burial grounds, once the light faded, all the resentful and gloomy atmosphere was gone. Birds could be heard chirping from above and Wei Wuxian knew animals would be next to come onto the mountain.

Calling the Wen's out they came past the grand doors but they all had to cover a hand over their eyes as it was now a bright sunny day with hardly a cloud in the sky. Imagine their surprise once they saw once old and rickety trees being replaced with long and luscious healthy-looking trees. Flowers seemed to come out of nowhere, and moss and ivy grew on the side of the mountain and up to the old ruble on the fallen palace.

It just didn't look the same anymore, and all the Wen's were speechless. He led the older Wen's into a cave for a moment saying he needed to show them something, Deep inside was a treasure that filled the entire corner of the cave. Wei Wuxian wasn't sure if it was excitement or a heart attack they were having, for all he knows, it could be both.

Wen Qing and Wen Ning were with him too to see. "Where did this all come from?" Wen Qing asks.

Wei Wuxian smirks, "What? Don't you forget, that I am not only a God but also the Yiling Patriarch as well? Everyone back then left me gifts and riches where I never need to worry again, and you all may use it as well to help build up a small village for yourselves while I am gone, but don't be too greedy because I put a talisman on them to backfire on thieves, so be careful and thoughtful of what you are using the money for."

Turning to the treasure Wei Wuxian fills fur pouches full of gold and coins and tosses one to Wen Qing and Wen Ning, to help them come back to hell with the golden core transfer and return to their family again. Before he left he went to the tent that was Granny Wen's and asked to hold his once more before leaving. He has Wen Yuan close and kisses his forehead before passing the baby back to Granny Wen and heading out with Wen Qing and Wen Ning.

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