Chapter Forty-Two

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Up cries of them agreeing ringed through Koi tower as there were a few who looked modified at the sentencing. Though Wei Wuxian didn't say anything more, just lowered his head and let silent tears fall free from his eyes. Being dragged back to the dungeon Wei Wuxian was locked up but he wasn't alone for long as he was given a surprise visit by Jin Guangyao.

Still not knowing his territory of Jin Guangyao's plays against Wei Wuxan, he smiles up at the old friend and says, "I am glad you are well my friend though I am sorry to say there wouldn't be enough time for us to catch up.

"Oh, but on the contrary my friend there is enough time for you to hear about my hard work to get to this point." Jin Guangyao says.

Confused, Wei Wuxian asks, "What do you do to this point?"

"I always told you how much I hated being in someone's debt and do you know how I got rid of it? By eliminating them."

The realization hits him knowing what Wen Qing told him way back about Meng Yao killing her general was all true. "You killed Nie Mingjue."

"It wasn't easy, let me tell you." Jin Guangyao laughs coldly, "But the heavens must have been smiling down at me when I stumbled over a young boy who has talent in the dark arts."

"The Demonic Cultivator was also doing?!?!" Wei Wuxian yells. "Why? WHY?!?!"

"Because I knew if I time everything perfectly I could kill three birds with one stone!" Jin Guangyao hisses.

"Three birds, of course, you were behind that boy being cursed which caused him to come after me which led to Jin Zixuan's death." Wei Wuxian never felt so stupid in his entire life. "Does Jin Guangshan know what you did to his son?"

"You don't know the extent that his Excellency would go to gain power, Wei Wuxian." Jin Guangyao smirks.

Shaking his head Wei Wuxian knew he lost at this sick game he never knew he was playing. "You do deserve that name Jin Guangyao, it will truly make you monster stand out for slayers to put you both down."

Not seeming to like the threat, Jin Guangyao's face scrunches into a hideous expression before storming out of the dungeon, leaving Wei Wuxian alone. "You won't get away with this Meng Yao, I promise you this."

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