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Taehyung felt incredibly bad after Jungkook ran off from having a panic attack. He wasn't going to deny it was his fault. He told himself to try to watch himself around Jungkook and now he was ashamed because he didn't do what he told himself he'd do.

He should have paid closer attention and noticed the signs. Even then he hated how ignorant he was with Jungkook's problems. He never thought they were bad enough to cause a panic attack but he was clearly very wrong.

"Will he be okay?" Taehyung questioned.

Jin shrugged. "Eventually... He usually runs off after something like this. He'll come back when he's ready."

"I say we go look for him," Namjoon suggested.

Jin scoffed. "Really? The last thing he needs right now is six people crowding around him!"

"I'm not saying all six of us should go! But he shouldn't be alone! What if he gets lost or tries to do something dangerous?" Namjoon scoffed back.

"Alright, I'm fed up with everyone's bullshit," Yoongi spoke up making everyone quiet down. "You two need to stop fucking arguing because it's not going to help the situation. Taehyung already feels bad so he'll apologize to Jungkook later, and not touch him in the future. We have a Jimin for that."

"Is that all you think of me Hyung? Someone, to absorb physical platonic affection?" Jimin pouted. "Well fuck you because you're right." He stuck his tongue out as he rubbed Taehyung's back in a comforting manner. 

"Anyway... Namjoon can go look for Jungkook, BUT ONLY NAMJOON. Jungkook's an adult he can take care of himself. He doesn't need a search committee to find him. Jin you can go back to your dorm and wait for Jungkook to contact people in case anything happens." Yoongi ordered. To him, it was obvious but all his friends seemed to need a wake-up call.

Hoseok smiled at Yoongi. "You're so hot when you speak up." He cooed. "What about me? You didn't give me a job."

Yoongi grumbled as he intertwined his fingers with Hoseok's. "You already have one dummy." He paused to look away with a cough. "Keeping my hand from getting cold."

Taehyung looked at the table where Jungkook's camera sat. The younger hadn't even taken it with him. Namjoon offered to take it with him when going to find Jungkook but Taehyung told him he'd take it back to the dorm. Besides, the camera looked expensive and Namjoon would most likely break it.

So now Taehyung sat at his bed looking at all the pictures Jungkook took that day. He never got to see them earlier and was a little curious. Most of the photos were of the city and the bustling life of people walking on the streets. Tall buildings displaying modern architecture. But as Taehyung clicked to the next picture on the camera he was shocked at what he saw.

Pictures of him.

Jungkook had taken pictures of him.

It wasn't like he was posing in any of them. Just natural pictures of him doing things. Looking at things in shop windows. Picking flowers. Admiring art on the street.

For a moment he was deeply touched that Jungkook considered him worthy of taking a picture of but then came the sinking feeling in his stomach. Jungkook spent the day with him. Took pictures of him. Really tried to make the best of it so they could be friends.

And he ruined it.

Jungkook dashed through the streets with panic in his mind as he did so. Wanting to find a place to be alone and collect himself. He felt embarrassed, breaking down in front of all his friends. Over something as simple as physical contact.

Jungkook sat down at the base of a tree in the park. Most of the bushed around the tree was overgrown so it gave him a small clearing to sit in. "Why... Can't I be normal?" He questioned looking at his hands.

"It's just a touch... It's not even harmful to me this time... Why do I still not like it?" Jungkook let out a long sigh as he ran his hands through his hair.

Part of him was mad at Taehyung. For continuing to touch him. The other part of him was mad at himself. For not being able to stand human contact. Normally he was okay with avoiding people but today he just felt empty and broken.

"Jungkook?" A voice asked making his head jerk up.

"Ami?" He questioned as he squinted his eyes at the female. 

"Are you okay?" She asked moving past the bushes to sit in the dirt with Jungkook. "You don't have to tell me but I'm here if you need me."

Jungkook flashed a grateful smile. He didn't want to tell her everything about his panic attack but it was nice to have a person sitting a few feet from him. Someone to listen to their breathing so he could slow his own. "I wanna talk about something different... What's been going on with you?"

Ami grinned ear to ear as she started talking. "I bought another TXT album today! Which is good because now I finally have all their photocards. I have been trying to find Yeonjun FOR-E-V-E-R. And the album packaging is sooo cool! I wonder how they come up with stuff like that? I have to iron out the poster though. Do you know how annoying folded posters are? Like there are so many creases! Do you think someone would ever make an album big enough for a rolled poster? Even like a mini one? I guess the box would be thick... But it's already thick! So what's the difference?"

Jungkook listened to Ami talk about the performances and award shows coming up. Something mindless that he had no interest in but it helped him take his mind off of his thoughts for a while. 

"AMI!" Namjoon burst through the bushes.

"Oh hey! Anyway so as I was saying... YEONJUN IN A CROP TOP-"

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Hey, Jungkook. We were worried about you. Are you okay?"

Jungkook gave a small nod. "I'm better now." 

Namjoon smiled as he showed his dimples. "Thank Ami for me finding you. You're her favorite to talk to about this stuff. So when I heard her voice I had a hunch." 

Ami crossed her arms. "Because he actually listens! I'm still mad at you for breaking my lightstick!" She ranted as they both stood up. "Well, thanks for the talk Jungkook! See you later!"

"Bye noona." He hummed back. Now it was time to go back to the dorms... And face Taehyung...

☽✧ ✦ ✧☾

Family is around for the holidays so I have to sneak away at night to write haha.

Also, I was talking to my grandma (Y'know the one that's not dead and hated me for being gay) and I'll share some of the things she said.

"Who are these men on your phone? I thought you had a girlfriend!" (Time to change my lock screen...)

"I can't believe no one else wants to date you! I would have thought you dated more!" (My current gf is kinda the only one who has been interested in me romantically so-)

"Did you cut your hair to look more like a lesbian?" (Okay grandma AND IF I DID?)

"Look here is your presents. None for your dad. We like you more. But you can't touch then yet!" (Ahahah DAD guess whose the favorite now muahahaha)

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