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Namjoon sighed as he patted Jin's back. "You do know that you also go to the same college right?" 

"Hush, hush, I practically raised him, I'm allowed to be emotional." Jin waved Namjoon off with an exasperated sob. 

"Well, I was the one that caught his attention at the cafe in the first place so if anything you owe it to me that he's with us..." Namjoon quietly muttered.

Jin glared at Namjoon. "What was that?" He asked through gritted teeth. 

"I'm just saying, I had a part in raising him as well!" Namjoon argued with a dismissive hand wave.

"Yes but I'm his parent. When he had the flu was it you or was it me that brought him soup and medicine every day for two weeks? Hmm? Based on the fact you can't cook if your life was on the line I think that was ME!" Jin snapped as the two continued to bicker.

"CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!" Jungkook yelled making them finally stop arguing. "You're both important people in my life. Now I'm kinda more worried about the fact I have no idea how to make my way around campus than you guys having issues just admitting you love each other." The boy rolled his eyes. Pushing his long black hair out of his face in an attempt to read the campus map. How many damn water fountains did this college need?

Jin let out a huff as he crossed his arms and turned his nose up. "I do NOT love Namjoon. For god's sake, HE BREAKS EVERYTHING!" Jin yelled.


"If you just used less force when-"

Jungkook was quick to interrupt them again. "Yes, yes, Namjoon-Hyung has amazing muscles, nothing new. Now can you actually help the 'child' you're fighting over find his dorm building?" He grumbled as his nose scrunched up. Adjusting his black sweater so he could utilize his hands better but not allowing them to move past his wrists. 

Jin rolled his eyes. "We were going to give you a full tour with our friends. But they happen to be VERY LATE-" 

"Correction! Fashionably late!" Jin's friend Jimin yelled from a small distance. Three others around him as they jogged over. "Sorry we had to pick up my friend, he's finally moving dorms so we were helping him with his things."

"Excuses, excuses." Jin sighed. "Anyway, Jungkook this is Jimin, and Namjoon's friends, Yoongi and Hoseok. Annnnnd..." Jin paused looking at the fourth male.

"Taehyung." He smiled a boxy smile as he shook Jin's hand. Clinging to Jimin as the older male didn't seem to care. "Sorry about the hold-up... But I've been waiting for a new roommate FOREVER."

Jungkook shifted from one foot to the other as he watched the group share skinship with each other. Feeling awkward and out of place. Shooting finger guns towards Yoongi, a quick handshake to Jimin, and dodging a hug from Hoseok behind Jin, in exchange for a high five instead. 

However, Taehyung was a little more persistent.

"Come onnnnnnn, I'm a hugger pleaseeeee." The older pleaded. 

Jungkook shook his head as he ducked behind Namjoon instead as Taehyung chased him around. "I'd prefer not."

"Who doesn't like hugs?"

"Me," Jungkook grumbled, having a sour first impression on this new Taehyung character. Wondering why the hell he was so insistent on a hug when Jungkook just wanted to be left alone. 

Taehyung tilted his head similar to a puppy. "Just one?"

"No!" Jungkook snapped.

Jin sighed as he patted Taehyung's shoulder. "Sorry, Jungkook isn't too keen on being touched. But we've been standing here for a while, let's actually give him a tour and make him feel welcome." 

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