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Jungkook sighed as he unpacked his things. Taehyung talking at the other side of the room that he had just tuned out by now.

"I can't believe we get to room together!" Taehyung told hugging Jungkook.

"Yeah..." Jungkook told not bothering to hide his unenthusiasm. Shoving Taehyung off him. "Please stop touching me." He told shaking out his shoulders.

Taehyung however, did no such thing. "Are you planning on sleeping in such baggy clothing?" He asked pulling lightly at the younger's shirt.

Jungkook quickly snatched it away from him. "No," Jungkook told bluntly. Wondering if Taehyung could take a hint. However, to him, it seemed like Taehyung had little to no self-awareness. The younger then slipped into their shared bathroom to change.

Taehyung tilted his head when Jungkook exited a few minutes later. "You're still wearing long sleeves?" He asked to which Jungkook gave him nothing more than a shrug. "Don't you get hot?"

"Not really. I get cold easily. And it's already fall." Jungkook hummed, he could manage Taehyung. From a safe distance. 


Jungkook had a day of classes ahead of him so he wanted to rest. Besides, it's like not Taehyung would ever climb into bed with him. That wouldn't be happening anytime soon. Imagine...

For the most part, his night was peaceful. He only awoke a few times during the night. Taehyung tossing and turning in his bed across the room. Which Jungkook just had to ignore and tune out. 

Morning came and Jungkook was up and getting ready. Taehyung still asleep, a few quiet snores leaving his mouth every few minutes or so. As much of a bad first impression, Taehyung made Jungkook was still trying to be respectful and not wake him by making lots of noise. Tiptoeing around the dorm and grabbing his textbooks for his first block of classes.

Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief once he closed the door to his dorm behind him. Having successfully escaped a possible hug ambush from Taehyung. 

"Hey, Jungkook-"

The youngest leaped in the air as he whirled around and breathed another sigh of relief. It was just Namjoon. "Good Morning Hyung."

Namjoon smiled and showed his dimples. "How was your first night in the dorms?" He asked handing Jungkook an extra coffee he picked up from his parent's cafe.

"Nice I suppose," Jungkook told earnestly. "Better than expected. It's weird sleeping in new places." 

Namjoon nodded in understanding. "Makes sense. Jin is in his culinary classes but I'm sure he'll catch you later." He explained as he and Jungkook made their way to the school's art wing. 

Jungkook admired the scenery of the campus. It was rather beautiful. Maybe if he just relaxed more he would be having more fun than he was. "Hyung..." Jungkook muttered quietly. 

"Yeah?" Namjoon tilted his head, slowing his pace so that he and Jungkook were standing out in the grass together.

"You love Jin don't you," Jungkook questioned with a knowing smirk. 

Namjoon crossed his arms. "And here I thought you were going to ask me something sentimental, coming to your Hyung for advice."

"You sound like him." Jungkook pointed out with a chuckle. "Thank's for the coffee Hyung. I'll meet up with everyone later at the cafe." 

When Taehyung finally got up for his afternoon classes he was slightly disappointed to see Jungkook gone. He quickly shook it off with the reasoning that Jungkook probably had morning classes. 

Picking up his phone he smiled as his sister sent him a few pictures of his dog, Yeontan. Who he missed dearly while living in Seoul. He smiled at the photos. The little black and tan pomeranian seemed to know when a camera was being pointed at him because the photo showed him sitting with his tail curled behind him, one paw lifted as he seemed to smile. 

Taehyung wasn't left for too long to ponder his inner thoughts of missing his dog as there was a knock on the door. Skipping over to it and finding Jimin behind it. "JIMIN-SSI!"

"TAEHYUNG-SSI!" The other smiled as they shared a quick hug. "How's the new dorm?"

"Better than the old one," Taehyung told biting the inside of his cheek.

Jimin picked up on Taehyung's strange behavior instantaneously. They were soulmates after all. "Taetae what's wrong?" He questioned, and when Taehyung tried to brush it off Jimin pulled out his pouty lip and puppy eyes which he knew Taehyung couldn't say no to. 

"Ugh, you win!" Taehyung groaned, although no serious feelings of annoyance were behind his words. "It's just Jungkook."

"What about him?" Jimin asked letting Taehyung cling to him like a koala. 

"I want him to be my friend! But he doesn't seem to like me. Chim what should I do?" Taehyung grumbled. "I sound like a middle schooler." He then said with a sigh. 

Jimin let out a small chuckle. "You don't. And I'm sure Jungkook will come around. You're an amazing person to be around. But if you want to know more you'll have to talk to Jin Hyung and Namjoon Hyung. They know way more about him than I do."

"I guess you're right." Taehyung hummed. He was friends with Jimin, Hoseok. Yoongi by extension of Hoseok. And Namjoon through them, and then Jin through Jimin. But he felt most distanced to the younger. Even though he was the closest to his age. (Besides Jimin of course). 

Now that Jungkook went to their school he had to form some type of friendship with him. Or it would be awkward as hell hanging out when all their other friends got along just fine. But something about Jungkook made him very curious.

Jungkook wasn't the typical person he'd end up hanging out with. Hell, he barely got by with Yoongi hyung, which he owed more to Hoseok than anyone else. But even Yoongi, as grumpy and cold he can appear at first, was a softie. Ultimately bonding over their love of music.

Maybe that's what he needed, something he and Jungkook had in common. Taehyung knew Jungkook had something to offer about him past the walls he put up. Namjoon and Jin wouldn't like him so much if he didn't. 

"Whatcha thinking?" Jimin asked poking Taehyung's cheek.

"Thinking about my friends. Let's get to class." He hummed back finally leaving the dorm with Jimin.


It's only chapter 2 and I'm already looking at my chapter mapping like "... I can make it longer..." 

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