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Jungkook rubbed his eyes as for the first time... He got to sleep. Taehyung seemed to sleep as well. The older cuddling his pillow and drooling a little. He found it oddly... Cute.

He walked over to Taehyung and poked him a few times. The male waking up much quicker than in the middle of the night.

"Hey! You actually touched me!" Taehyung said as he jumped up.

Jungkook nodded. "I... Said I wanted to work on it... And I guess I feel comfortable around you?" Jungkook told much more like a question than a statement. Nothing made sense about why he was comfortable. But he just felt like it was okay around Taehyung.

"AW! I'm so proud!" Taehyung said bringing Jungkook in for a hug.

Jungkook quickly shoved Taehyung away. "BABY STEPS! Baby steps..." 

Taehyung nodded in understanding. "Um... High five?" Taehyung questioned unable to hide his boxy smile. 

Jungkook let out a small chuckle as he did so. Staring at his hand, opening and closing it for a few minutes. It didn't feel as weird as before. Maybe... He could make something work. 

Jungkook flipped through his textbooks at the cafe. All their friends were there and of course, Namjoon and Jin were bickering in the background.

"Are you just not phased by their fighting?" Taehyung asked from across the booth as Jimin laid on top of him. 

Jungkook shrugged. "Not really. I've known them for long enough to get used to it." He said glancing over at the pair.

"You'd think they wouldn't be friends anymore after all of it." Taehyung sighed, he'd think all the fighting would be exhausting. 

"They always make up by the end of the day. It looks serious but most of their fighting is just really petty." Jungkook glanced over at them again before going back to his textbook. "Besides, Namjoon likes Jin, and I'm like ninety-nine point nine percent sure Jin likes him too." 

Jimin perked up at the new information. "Like... LIKE likes each other?" 

"What are you ten?" Jungkook rolled his eyes. "And yes LIKE like each other."

"Wouldn't they be more... You know... Loving to each other if that was the case?" Taehyung questioned as this time all three of them looked back at Namjoon and Jin.

Jungkook took a sip of his coffee. "Well, I think Jin is just in very severe denial. And when faced with new emotions he likes to fight things. Do you know how many times he used to fight me before he fought Namjoon?" Jungkook rolled his eyes as he recalled the many times in high school that he and Jin had slapped each other. 

"We should try to set them up!" Jimin suggested heaving himself off of Taehyung making the younger heave a dramatic sigh of relief. 

"Set them up? Like on a date?" Taehyung asked.

Jimin nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, all three of us! We can do it, right?"

"Okay, no offense but how is someone like you, who is aromantic, someone like Jungkook who hates human contact, and someone like me, who has only got rejected numerous times. Going to set THEM up on a date?"  Taehyung pointed out to which all three of them let out a groan.

"You're right... We need people with better experience in the dating arena..." Jungkook sighed.

They all sat in silence before they all got the same idea. Slowly turning their heads to the same two people. 

Yoongi and Hoseok. 

Hoseok jumped in his seat as all three of the youngers piled into the other end of the booth. Jungkook squished himself against the wall. Taehyung in the middle as leaning more towards Jimin to give Jungkook some space. "Can I help you?" Hoseok questioned.

"Maybe you can." Jimin hummed. "We are trying to set Namjoon and Jin up on a date." 

"Are you sure? THEM? They fight all the time how are they compatible?" Hoseok flashed a look of concern.

Yoongi took off his headphones to join in on the conversation. "Namjoon actually likes Jin. It might work if Jin reciprocates." 

"Wooow, you really think so?" Hoseok hummed. 

Yoongi nodded. "Why did you come to us though?" The three maknaes stayed silent as they all looked at Yoongi before it clicked. "Oh... Yeah, you three would be useless." 

"So it's a plan? Get Namjoon and Jin together?" Jimin chirped putting his hand down on his table. 

"Sure!" Hoseok said putting his hand on top.

"I have nothing better to do," Yoongi muttered placing his hand next.

Hoseok chuckled. "Just admit you wanna help your friends."


"Me too!" Taehyung told with his boxy smile.

The attention turned to the youngest squished in the corner of the booth. Jungkook gave a small hesitant smile before placing his hand over Taehyung's. He then removed it quickly giving Taehyung a reassuring smile, in a way of telling him he was okay.

"So... What kind of date do you think Namjoon and Jin should go on?" Taehyung asked as he walked with Jungkook back to their dorms. 

Jungkook shrugged. "Maybe a dinner date? Something simple."

"Don't you think that's too simple? Cliche? I think dates should be more than that." Taehyung hummed kicking at a rock and fiddling with his hands in order to not spontaneously touch Jungkook.

"I mean, obviously, there should be more than going out on simple restaurant dates. But they have to establish some common ground. Besides, you can't go on a lavish trip somewhere on the first date. It set's the bar way too high!" Jungkook argued.

Taehyung chuckled. "Yeah but come on? A restaurant? Get more creative. Where is the hopeless romantic side to you?" He teased.

"I'm just saying! You know those reality tv shows where the people fly around the world and go on dates?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded in response. "Like all I can think of is, wow how can you ever top that? Like I'd be thinking of a private cruise in the Bahamas with my ex every date after that!" 

Taehyung shrugged as he thought for a moment. "I guess you have a point. But I'd think even then if you love the person you wouldn't think about the 'better dates' with someone else. You'd think of spending time with them. And creating unique memories." 

 Jungkook smiled, maybe if he did get over his uncomfortableness with human contact, he could have nice dates with someone. "High five?" Jungkook questioned holding his hand out. Taehyung eagerly gave him a high five. Jungkook didn't feel even slightly weird now, he felt like he was making progress. "Baby steps."

"Baby steps," Taehyung repeated. 

☽✧ ✦ ✧☾

I'm sorry I kept falling asleep while writing this but also I hope to do a double update. 

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