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Jungkook hummed as he edited some of the photos he had taken earlier. Ignoring the sound of Jin pacing in the background. Swiveling his chair around in concern. See Jin was pacing but not talking, which was very un-Jin-like. 

"Spit it out Hyung." Jungkook groaned. 

"It's Joon!" Jin finally said.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "I thought your date last week went well?"

"It did," Jin stated as he put his hands on his hips.

"Then what's the problem?" Jimin chimed in from across the room, mainly paying attention to his phone.

Jin went back to pacing. "He's great. Too great!"

"Again, what's the problem?" Jimin muttered.

"There are so many things I want to say, but I just can't," Jin grumbled. "I feel like we are going to fight again..."

Jungkook shrugged. "Namjoon-Hyung put up with your fighting for years and years. What's different now?" He asked throwing a pillow at Jimin to get him to pay attention.

"Because now we're... You know..." Jin muttered trailing off. "We're romantic now..."

There was a pregnant pause as Jungkook and Jimin searched for something to say. 

"Ugh... Nevermind I shouldn't vent to the only two people who have never been in a relationship." Jin huffed.

Jimin jumped up tugging at Jin's arm. "Alright let's go to the only stable couple we know for advice then." He said tossing Jungkook his coat. 

"NOOOO! I DON'T LIKE TALKING TO PEOPLE ABOUT MY FEELINGS- JIMIN WAIT-" Jin yelled as he got dragged away by the younger male. While the youngest of the three simply sighed and closed the door behind them as he jogged to catch up.

Jungkook wondered about Jin and Namjoon, they were his Hyung's. His family. He always joked about them being his parental figures but now they were actually dating. He also knew that they liked each other for a long time. 

Romance was so complicated. Not even just romance. HUMANS. And here he was always asking 'Why?' but never knowing the answer. Why weren't Jin and Namjoon happy? Who knows! Why did his parents hate him? He doesn't care. Why was he still uncomfortable touching everyone but Taehyung? And why does he care enough to keep asking himself that in his head every waking moment of his existence?

Jungkook grumbled as he hit the sides of his head a few times. Finally approaching Yoongi and Hoseok's dorm. 

"Oh hey, guys!" Hoseok chirped from his place on the floor. "What are you doing here?"

Jimin let go of Jin's arm as he shot a quizzical glance at Hoseok. "Jin needed advice... Why? Are you on the floor? Outside the dorm?"

"Oh, nothing it's fine." Hoseok hummed.

"Is... Something going on with Yoongi?" Jimin asked only for Hoseok to quickly shake his head.

"Oh no! No. No no no no." Hoseok told. "Yoongi has a project due for his music class and it's stressing him out. He likes to lock himself in the dark for days and doesn't like to be disturbed."

Jungkook decided to interject. "Does he eat? Where do you sleep?"

"I can get in the dorm, I have a key," Hoseok assured letting them dangle in front of the other three males. "And I bring food for him. Watch I'll get him out. It's about time he exits his cave anyway." 

Hoseok knocked on the door a few times and Jungkook could hear a faint grunt from the other side. "Yoongi-ah~ It's me. I'm your hope. Come to the door Gi." Hoseok coaxed.

The doorknob jiggled a few times before it cracked open barely an inch. "What?" Yoongi croaked. Hoseok nudged the door open a little more before grabbing the older's waist and snatching him off his feet. "HOBA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

"Time for you to see the world again!" Hoseok chirped as Yoongi squinted, his eyes adjusting to the light.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Why should I?"

"I'll buy you lunch."


And so the group made their way to the cafeteria where Yoongi got his food and was content with life. "So... What was so important that you needed to drag me away from making music?"

"It's really not important I'm sorry for bothering you I should leave..." Jin mumbled ready to get up but Jimin and Jungkook quickly sat him back down. "I don't know..."

"You don't know?" Yoongi questioned.

"Well, I do... It's just being with Namjoon feels weird..." Jin muttered.

"W H A T?" They all said at the same time.

"I mean I love him, it's just weird? I guess it doesn't feel like a relationship." Jin sighed raking his hands through his hair. "My relationship felt more alive with him when we fought all the time. But I don't want to fight with him anymore now that we're together... But I do? It's..." Jin trailed off.

"Weird..." The others finished for him.


All five of them froze at the similar sound of Namjoon's voice.

Yoongi patted Hoseok's arm a few times as he moved to leave. Hoseok snatched the food before following him. Jimin pretended he got a call and proceeded to sprint out of the cafeteria. Jungkook looked around in a state of panic until Taehyung tapped his shoulder and gestured for him to follow.

Leaving Jin and Namjoon alone at the table.

"Hey, when did you get here?" Jungkook asked Taehyung in a whisper.

"I came with Namjoon. We were looking for Yoongi and saw the dorm was empty so Namjoon figured he'd be here, it's one of his favorite spots." Taehyung said back as he crouched behind a wall peeking at the pair from a distance.

Jungkook mirrored him as he huffed. "Wow, this is making me realize I know nothing about Yoongi or Hoseok or even Jimin for that matter."

Taehyung shrugged. "Don't worry about it. You'll get there. Namjoon and Yoongi won't shut up about the fact they've known each other for-"

"Ten years, yeah I heard," Jungkook interjected. 

 "Even though Hoseok has known them for practically the same amount of time... And as you know I've known Jimin since childhood. So... It's hard to beat that." Taehyung squinted his eyes as he attempted to read Jin's lips.

Jungkook shrugged. "I wouldn't know I don't have a childhood friend."

"Hm... Well. You're in college if there is any time to make friends. It's now."

"What beats a childhood friend tho? You're right, it's hard to beat that." Jungkook mumbled as he watched Jin and Namjoon talk. Jin looked very nervous but Namjoon's face was hard to read. He couldn't tell if his Hyung was serious and mature, or extremely pissed off. 

Taehyung hummed as he thought for a moment. "I guess. But maybe a significant other? I mean, you share things with them that you don't share with anyone else. Even a best friend."

"Alright... You have a point." Jungkook peeked out from a different area in the wall. "I feel shifty watching them." He confessed. "We can't even hear what they are saying."

"They are holding hands... That's... Good?" Taehyung questioned suspiciously.

"I think we should go... I'm sure they'll fill us in later..." 


I don't really know what to put here because I wanna say something but at the same time I don't so... Have a tangerine 🍊 you deserve it.


The books halfway tangerine checkpoint :D

Also holyfuckyoongiwassohotinthepracticevideoimliterallydeceasedpleasefuckinghelpmeimlookingforanorgandonerineednewlungsbecauseminyoongitookmybreathaway

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