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Taehyung and Jungkook ended up going on another date after the disaster that was their first date. And a few more after that... Things were going really well.

Currently, the duo was out taking photos for Jungkook's class. Going around snapping pictures from a list pre-determined by Jungkook's teacher. 

For example, something red, where Jungkook took a picture of a business sign. Something to eat was taken when he and Taehyung went to grab lunch. His 'model' happily eating a burger with condiments smeared over his lips. 

Photographing something clean was a little tricky. Considering the outdoors of a city, not many things were clean. But he took a picture of a fountain, Taehyung tossed a coin in. When asked if he made a wish the older responded, "If I tell you it wouldn't come true silly."

Something sharp was taken when Taehyung wanted to stop by one of the street vendors. A picture of their knives cutting food would suffice. Something hard prompted Taehyung to make the comment, "Your abs." Followed by, "Or my dick if you make it that way." Which earned a playful smack from Jungkook, who took a picture of a rock instead.

Next on Jungkook's list was something tiny. Taehyung piped up, "Jimin! Or maybe Yoongi?" Which got a chuckle from Jungkook. Taking a picture of a few ants he found. Something blue was easy, the sky. Taehyung obviously had to strike some posed for Jungkook along the way.

The next few pictures went on without a fuss. Something noisy, traffic. Something pink, an add about lipstick. Something soft, a stray cat. Something heavy, some weights at the gym. Something with hair was Taehyung. Something white was the white exterior to a building, and something black was Jungkook's combat boots.

"What's next on the list?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook deleted a few blurry pictures.

"Something short."

"Oh! NOW you can photograph Jimin and Yoongi!" Taehyung said as they both laughed. 

Jungkook shrugged. "What counts as short though?" He asked looking around. 

"OOOO!" Taehyung said waving Jungkook over to his location. "Look, one flower is shorter than the rest. They are tulips." 

"That'll do." Jungkook decided quickly taking a photo. For something smaller than a mouse, Taehyung had to, again, answer Jimin. But Jungkook took a photo of a bee instead. For something green, Jungkook took a picture of grass. 

Next was a picture of glass, for something smooth. A car, for something with wheels. Something alive, was Taehyung, again. 

"What is something orange?" Jungkook asked. The pair actually struggled for a while to find something orange. Eventually finding a mannequin in a window wearing an orange hoodie. 

For something tall Jungkook took a picture of a skyscraper. A light source was an interesting find as well, Taehyung had managed to find some unique neon signs that Jungkook took pictures of. 

The rest of the day went by relatively smoothly. Taking pictures of fluffy things, colorful things, shiny things, tasty things. Things that were purple, or yellow. As well as something that looked glittery. 

Jungkook enjoyed spending the time with Taehyung. Even if they were doing minuscule tasks like taking random pictures of things. Taehyung made the experience enjoyable. It wasn't just a boring assignment anymore, it was, essentially, a date.

Whenever he was around Taehyung, Jungkook just felt, comfortable. No matter what they were doing Taehyung made it fun. Nothing was truly bad or terrible, like their first date. Because those were valuable memories Jungkook would hold dear to his heart. 

When he came to college Jungkook aimed to find himself and try to break out of his shell a little. Looking back on the journey he wasn't sure if he could have done it without his overly touch-starved roommate. Taehyung helped him realize a lot of things about himself.

Jungkook was really happy with his current place in life. He had a boyfriend. He had five other amazing friends. And he finally knew how to love himself, for all his scars and imperfections.

 Jungkook learned a lot from the others as well. From Jimin, he learned that you don't need anyone else to be complete, because you as a whole are okay. From Namjoon and Jin he learned through enough time and commitment, you'll always try for those you love. From Yoongi and Hoseok he learned that despite other crazy things going on around you, you can have someone there to ground you and be your lighthouse in a storm.

Finally, from Taehyung, he learned what it's like to be cared for. What it's like to have someone genuinely understand something despite a contrasting perspective. Taehyung showed him... What love is. 

"Only one more to go!" Jungkook said as he sat down on a bench. Catching his breath as he was starting to get tired from walking all around the city to find things to photograph for his assignment. 

Taehyung seated himself beside the younger. "Alright, what's the last one?"

Jungkook took out the list again with a smile. Turning to Taehyung and clicking a photo of him. "Okay, we are done!" 

Taehyung's boxy smile turned into an expression of confusion. "What do you mean we're done? What was the last one?"

"You," Jungkook answered simply, avoiding the question.

"Well, yeah... But what was on the list?" Taehyung questioned.

Jungkook scratched the back of his neck. "It was... Something I love..." He confessed. "Is that weird? I can take a photo of something else instead..."

Taehyung wanted to melt into a puddle of softness. "Awwwwwwwwwww..." He cooed. "Youuu love me???"

Jungkook nodded shyly. "I mean we haven't gone on many dates and I told you I wanted to take it slow... But when I saw it on the list the first thing I thought of was you..."

"I really wanna kiss you right now." Taehyung blurted out.

Jungkook let out a small laugh as he nodded. "You can."

Taehyung happily leaned forward to join their lips together. Keeping it rather short and pulling away, except only by a centimeter, able to still feel Jungkook's breath against his own. Moving to pull back fully, only to have the younger connect their lips again.

Lips softly gliding together, eyes squeezed tight. Simply enjoying the moment. Jungkook pulled away shortly after, not allowing the kiss to get too heated. 

"So..." Jungkook muttered awkwardly. 

"I love you too..." Taehyung smiled.

Jungkook's bunny-toothed smile made an instant appearance. "You said it back..."

"Of course? Did you think I wouldn't?" Taehyung said tilting his head.

"No, I did... I'm just... Happy, and shocked still. I can't explain it. I'm just really happy." Jungkook hummed. "You're something... No, someone," He corrected. "I love."

"I love you too."


*handing out tissues*

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