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"So are we scouting out date locations for Namjin?" Jimin asked sliding into a booth beside Hoseok. 

"Namjin?" Yoongi questioned with a grimace.

"Namjoon plus Jin. Namjin." Ami answered for Jimin from the booth behind them, making all five males jump. "Care for another on the team?" 

"Nah, come sit!" Jimin said gesturing to the empty place across from him.

Taehyung scooted closer to Jungkook to give Ami space. Their shoulders brushing together as their legs touched. "Are you okay?" He asked the younger.

Jungkook blinked a few times as his eyes kept glancing between Taehyung and their contact. "Yeah... I think I'm okay." Jungkook smiled giving Taehyung a small high five. 

"We could scout out date locations." Yoongi hummed.

Jimin raised an eyebrow. "Don't you have date locations already? Why not share with the class." 

Yoongi shook his head. "Nah. Come on Hoseok let's go look for places Namjoon and Jin could go on a date." He said sliding out of the booth, Hoseok following behind. 

Jimin let out an exasperated sigh. "They are just going to go on their own date aren't they?"



"Look's like it."

The other three responded. 

"I'm free if someone wants to look for locations with me." Ami chirped. "I'm tired of my brother pinning for his friend."

"I have a photography assignment. Does anyone wanna look for small businesses with me?" Jungkook asked. 

"OH ME!" Taehyung yelled raised his hand. "There is this cute little paint shop that I wanna visit. I need more paints." 

Jungkook nodded. "Sure!" 

"That leaves you and me, Ami. Let's go." Jimin said hooking elbows with the girl. 

The pairs were all off on their various tasks. Taehyung found the small art store run by a nice lady named Sihyeon. Jungkook smiled as he watched Taehyung skip around the store. There was something refreshing about seeing Taehyung in his natural element. 

Taehyung crouched down in front of a wall of paints. A hand covering his mouth as his other brushed along the paints. Moving from the greens to the blues. Taking a golden yellow from the shelf and look towards the reds. Jungkook bent down to snap a picture of Taehyung.

The older was very photogenic. He just effortlessly appeared nice on his camera. Jungkook liked taking candid photos. It was more real than posed photos. It just showed people in their most natural state, their real emotions, and expressions. Not something someone was told to pose for. 

"So... What are all these yellow paints for?" Jungkook asked looking at the six different shades of yellow Taehyung picked out.

"I'm making a canvas piece. I'm calling it 'son of aphrodite' and it requires a lot of yellow." Taehyung hummed. "I'm excited about it though."

"That's good. What are some of your other pieces?" Jungkook hummed snapping a few more pictures of the shop.

Taehyung let out an indecisive grunt. "There is a lot of them..."

"Just tell me your favorite then. Or one you are most proud of." Jungkook asked rocking back and forth on his feet. 

Taehyung pondered for a moment. "I made one of my father. It's called 'Lord of the Sky' and there is another one called 'Descendant of Aries'. That one is really beautiful." 

"You like greek mythology don't you..." Jungkook chuckled noticing a small pattern in the naming of Taehyung's art. 

Taehyung smiled as he stood up, satisfied with his yellow paint selection. "What gave it away?" 

"Nothing in particular." Jungkook joked.

Taehyung walked over to Sihyeon to check out for the day. "I like Norse mythology too." He commented handing over some money and putting his paints back in his bag. Jungkook took another picture.

The two walked out of the shop satisfied with their findings. "High five?" Jungkook asked holding his hand out. 

Taehyung gladly gave Jungkook a high five. "Not that I don't love high fives but are you comfortable for anything more?" 

"Maybe some friendly nudges," Jungkook told giving Taehyung a few pokes. Looking at his hand for a good minute after. It didn't feel weird anymore... At least, not with Taehyung.

Taehyung chuckled showing his boxy smile. "Wow, progress." He hummed nudging Jungkook with his elbow a few times. "Good?"

"Good." Jungkook hummed. 

Jungkook and Taehyung walked through the streets of Seoul. Looking at the culture and just enjoying themselves. Jungkook thought about Taehyung and his love for painting. Finding similarities in a painting and a photo.

They both captured emotions. They both were beautiful in their own way. They could preserve a moment of the world forever. Digital photos were more permanent now but art could be displayed in museums. Both could be very valuable. But Jungkook was positive Taehyung spent more time painting than himself with his photos.

"Will I ever get to see your paintings?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung's head jerked over in Jungkook's direction. "You want to?"

"I mean... If you let me. I'd imagine they are good." Jungkook shrugged.

"Yeah, I'll have to show them to you one day." Taehyung smiled as he gave Jungkook a friendly nudge. "I know we got off to a bumpy start but I'm glad we can be friends now."

Jungkook mirrored Taehyung's smile. Friends. He liked being friends with Taehyung. "We haven't done much actual looking for date locations have we." He pointed out.

"Ah true. And to think we just bugged Yoongi and Hoseok for getting nothing done." Taehyung tsked. 

"It wasn't a waste though. I'm glad I got to spend time with you." Jungkook commented without realizing what left his mouth until it was too late. But luckily Taehyung didn't mind the older smiled brightly. 

"I'm glad you're glad that you got to spend time with me," Taehyung said before something caught his eye. "OOOH!"

Jungkook followed Taehyung and his eyes landed on the window display of a cute little shop. Little nicknacks perched on shelves. "Let's go in." He suggested.

Taehyung nodded pulling the door open. Both of them walking inside with smiles. The shop didn't have a specific thing. Just a bunch of small things.

Jungkook's eyes landed on a small blue owl plush. Taking it off the shelve he looked at the tag. Winston. "Hmm... Why do you feel important?" He asked the owl. 


I gotta call my uni tomorrow and I wanna die they need to get their shit together. I just wanna take ONE (1), CLASS. I need my language credit damnit. 

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