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Welcome to the fic.

Firstly, this is purely a work of fiction and does not state or imply that BTS is in relationships with anyone/each other outside of this fanfic.

Secondly, if you are a rereader from the future. Please do not post comments spoiling the book. Authors work really hard on their books and it is kinda put to waste if someone comments the ending/plot twist on the first chapter. 

That being said I will be deleting comments that spoil endings. 

If you really MUST know the ending to a story then discuss it through a private message. 

I'm okay with personal conversations in comments, usually, I'll join in on them, because I love seeing everyone talk and feel comfortable. But if it gets up into the hundreds, and you're using a single comment thread as a primary means of communication, please move over to private message.


I will also be deleting any comments that are racist/homophobic/transphobic, promote/romanticize Eating disorders, sexual assault, abuse, etc. Or if you use any slurs.


A Curse word (Which I'm okay with): This is a generally offensive word that can become less offensive depending on context or passage of time. Ex; Bitch, fuck, ass, crap, shit, etc.

A slur (Which I'm not okay with): This is a derogatory term for an entire group of people. While slurs can and have been reclaimed I would rather keep them out of the picture. As I have been called a massive amount of slurs in my life pertaining to my actual race and races I'm not even a part of. And I would rather keep this space safe and friendly for everyone. Examples include; F*ggot, N*gga (Or any variation), ching-chong, chink, etc.

Honestly, ever since I put out this warning my comments have been flooded with people calling me slurs and I am fucking done, okay? I'm not going to leave my books up for people to enjoy if this is the response I get.

I can take constructive criticism on my writing but if you are going to be an asshole to other readers in the comments. Say sayonara, because I'm not dealing with your bullshit. I won't tolerate anyone invalidating other people's traumatic experiences.

Again examples, cause apparently I still wasn't clear enough.

Okay: "Hey you used a word in this passage that means something different in my culture and can be offensive do you mind changing it?"

Not okay: "I don't understand why you used to cut yourself if you wanted to kill yourself you should have just done it already you're a coward and selfish for putting the people around you through your own mental health issues by cutting yourself."

Get your own damn life and stop hating on other people for something they can't control.

At first, I'll simply delete comments. If you continue to comment things listed above. It will result in me blocking you.




This book will contain descriptions of panic attacks, past trauma, and nightmares.

There will also be smut, but don't worry I mark each chapter with a [M] so you can skip if you are uncomfortable with reading it.

Taekook is written as switches in this story. So for all the people who only care about what position they are in bed, and not about the work or message the story might have along with character development. This is your queue to remove this book from your library if you don't like the situation of their position in bed.


I will hopefully be updating weekly but unexpected things can happen so please don't be upset if I miss a day because there is likely a reason. And understand I'm doing this for free and I am a real human behind the computer typing this. 

Chapters are relatively short, as is this story. 

This is my book, therefore, I will write what I want #mybookmychoice so if you don't like it just stop reading, don't waste everyone's time by leaving hateful comments. 

The main ship is Taekook and the side ships are namjin, and sope. With Jimin being aromantic. If you have a problem with the side ships enough to deter you from reading then don't read the story.


That being said, for those of you who do wish to read, I hope you enjoy it, and I purple you.

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